ISSUE #22, Sustainable Energy News (16 pages) - 1998-09-01
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INFORSE Climate Actions
During the Climate Convention negotiations, that will take place on November 2-13, INFORSE will be active in a number of initiatives.
Fresh Air in Buenos Aires?
There are many concerns that should be addressed while our common climate is high on the global agenda in the first two weeks of November, at the 4th Conference Of the Parties to the Climate Convention (COP4). One overriding concern is that man-made CO2 emissions continue to increase year by year, despite nearly a decade of global climate-change discussions.
Media, Environment, and Citizens
The first event in an intended five-year co-operation program on media, environment, and citizens, took place this June, in Denmark. The program was initiated by INFORSE as a follow-up to UNESCO’s 5th Conference on Adult Education, which was held in Hamburg in 1997.
Sustainable Energy to Combat Desertification
January 18-22, 1999 is the date for the next INFORSE Coordinators' Meeting. It will be organised as an e-mail conference, following the decision of the 1997 meeting of only having coordinators meet in person every second year.
CSD9 Discussions Started
Three years before the UN Commission for Sustainable Development will have sustainable energy on its agenda at its ninth session (CSD9) in 2001, the preparations have already started. At the invitation of Austria, experts discussed the potential agenda for CSD9 at a meeting in Vienna in June. Based on experiences from INFORSE, the Danish Forum for Energy and Development presented a strategy for promoting sustainable energy via local communities. It stated that a local community approach must be an important part of multilateral programs for sustainable energy, including a global capacity-building program for local communities. The ability to establish a partnership with local stakeholders, including local NGOs and decision-makers, is a key to success in promoting and implementing renewable and sustainable energy.
INFORSE will continue to follow the preparations for CSD9 and will strive to have INFORSE member organisations present at all major events.
More info: INFORSE Secretariat. http://www.inforse.dk/
Available document: “Local Community Strategy for Promotion and Implementation of Renewable and Sustainable Energy” by H. Bjerregaard.
INFORSE Strengthens Links to United Nations
At its 1998 substantive session, the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) has granted INFORSE special consultative status.
This enables INFORSE to designate official representatives to the United Nations Headquarters in New York, as well as to the UN offices in Geneva and Vienna.
In addition, INFORSE and its member organisations can be accredited for a number of UN meetings and conferences, submit written statements on areas in which INFORSE has special competence, and, in general, interact with a wide range of UN organisations.
INFORSE already co-operates with a wide range of UN organisations, such as UNDP and UNESCO, but so far mainly on an ad-hoc basis. The new consultative status will strengthen INFORSE’s ability to influence the global agenda for sustainable energy, as well as to convey the experience and vision of local communities to the global level
The Climate Convention: Hard Discussions
Ahead for Buenos Aires, November 1998
CO2 & Climate Change Reach New High
Climate Change Vocabulary
The Clean Development Mechanism - CDM
INFORSE will give special attention to the CDM. In this article, there is a short overview of the CDM and NGO reflections on it as we know them at the INFORSE Secretariat by August 1998.
More detailed NGO comments are available from the INFORSE Secretariat; contact person: Asger Garnak.
The Finger-Pointing Will Continue, But No Reductions
INFORSE Activities Planned for UNFCCC COP4 Buenos Aires, November 2-13, 1998
At the Climate Convention’s 4th Conference of the Parties, INFORSE will focus on the planned Clean Development Mechanisms (CDM) and on renewable energy as a key to CO2 reduction on a large scale. Apart from political lobbying, press work, etc., the most important activity will be the two workshops outlined below. They are both included as side-events in the official program.
Local NGO Forum for Climate Conference in Buenos Aires
INFORSE-Argentina is a party to Foro del Buen Ayre (FdBA). This is the name of the COP4 Local Forum that was founded by NGOs involved with the Climate Convention. It is organizing activities both in the City and within the COP site. Buen Ayre means good air, or fine weather according to the Spaniards who christened the city where COP4 will take place.
Info: REJIMA, Mario Bravo 1029 piso 4 depto.A, 1175 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Ph/fax: +541-963-0722, e-mail: rq@rejima.uba.ar , or marceloalvarez@ciudad.com.ar
The World Bank Listened to NGOs in India
In the preparations of the new World Bank energy study on India, NGOs were involved in a Joint National NGO and World Bank Workshop on “Environmental Issues in the Power Sector in India” May 6-7, 1998. (See issue no. 21). 40 people participated.
Women and Renewable Energy
Women as Key Players in Renewable-Energy Development
Women, at last, have been identified as one of the key players in the management of energy resources.
Protest New Nuke in Turkey
Turkey is planning to build its first nuclear power plant at Akkuyu. A number of Western companies have proposed to deliver the technology, and a decision on the construction is due this fall. As a last attempt to stop it, the Canadian Nuclear Awareness Project asks as many as possible to protest to the Turkish prime minister and energy minister:
Wind Energy in China: Institutional Barriers
China has a huge potential to become a dynamic nation in wind energy development, if institutional barriers are reduced. To realize this expectation, vigorous policy measures at the national and regional levels need to be established and readjusted.
INFORSE East and Southern Africa News
Consultative Meeting
INFORSE regional coordinator
Sweden Gives Zambia $600,000 US for Rural Power
INFORSE-Europe Activities
INFORSE-Europe Coordinator
Common Declaration from Environmentalists and Workers
News on Nukes
EU Enlargement - Perspectives for a Nuclear-Free Future?
Århus ’98
Ministers Agree on Energy Conservation and Nuclear
USA News
Backcasting Sustainable Energy in Argentina
INFORSE workshop proposes wind, PV, and energy efficiency to replace nuclear and large hydro in Argentina’s future energy system.
Gaviotas - a Miracle
As a journalist who has covered environmental disasters from Chernobyl to Antarctica’s ozone hole, the most hopeful sign I’ve seen that humans can live sanely and sustainably is a village in one of the most unlikely places:
Colombia, a country whose name makes most people think of either cocaine, coffee, or civil war. Yet as Paolo Lugari, the Colombian founder of the village of Gaviotas, told me: “They always put social experiments in the easiest, most fertile places. We wanted the hardest place. If we could do it there, we could do it anywhere.”
Trends in Donor Policy on Sustainable Energy
Will Europe Choose Sustainability?
Editorial: Combat Desertification with Renewable Energy