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International Network for Sustainable Energy - Europe
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Supporters and Projects:
Nordic Council of Ministers (NORDEN) Project: Better Green Deal with CSO policy proposals, visions and scenarios for best mitigation policies for Baltic Sea Countries and Ukraine. Coordinated by INFORSE-Europe, 2023-24.
EU Horizon Program FULFILL Project: Fundamental Decarbonisation Through Sufficiency by Lifestyle Changes. Coordinated by Fraunhofer ISI, 2022-24.
EU Erasmus Plus
EU Erasmus Plus The Power of Community Energy cooperation project among NGOs from Poland, Denmark, Germany Turkey. Coordinated by SEI Poland, 2019-22.
CISU CISU - Civil Society in Development, Denmark SELNEE Project: Civil Society for Sustainable Energy, Local to National in Eastern Europe, Belarus - Ukraine - Denmark NGO Cooperation Project coordinated by NFRE, 2020-23.
Norforsk Nordforsk Integrating Energy Sufficiency into Modelling of Sustainable Energy Scenarios. Nordic - Baltic Countries Cooperation Project coordinated by Aalborg University, Denmark, 2020-22.
CISU CISU - Civil Society in Development, Denmark EASE-CA Project: East African Civil Society for Sustainable Energy & Climate Action. 2019-23. INFORSE Cooperation Project coordinated by Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy, Denmark.
CISU Fund for Climate and Environment, CISU - Civil Society in Development, Denmark
EVD Project: Advocacy on Sustainable Eco-Village Development in South Asia, 2015-23. INFORSE Cooperation. Project 1, 2. 3. 4. Project coordinated by DIB, Denmark.
CISU Fund for Climate and Environment, CISU - Civil Society in Development, Denmark Advocacy Projects in West Africa (ACE), and East Africa (PIPA). 2015-18. Projects coordinated by Sustainable Energy (VE), Denmark
Information on EU in Denmark in 2021-23, 2018-20, 2015-17 and 2012-14.
CISU Eastern Neighbourhood Civil Society Fund of CISU - Civil Society in Development, Denmark Eastern European NGO Cooperation Project
ASET - Advocate for Sustainable Energy Transition, Project Coordinated by VE, Denmark in 2016-17
Nordic Council of Ministers (NORDEN) Baltic-Russian-Belarus NGO Cooperation Project in 2016;
Green Event Management Guidelines in 2015;
Baltic NGO Cooperation Projects in 2010-11, 2008-09.
EU Europe Aid & Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA, Sweden) ECSE Project: Sustainable energy planning in 3 regions of Belarus, 2012-14.
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA, Sweden)
ADVICE Project: Sustainable energy advice to the public in Belarus, 2012-14.
Swiss Contribution
Swiss-Polish Cooperation Program
Social Participation in Local Energy Planning in Poland, 2012-14. 
SustainableEnergy (VedvarendeEnergi),
DANIDA, Denmark
"Southern Voices on Climate Change" NGO Capacity Building Program, Coordinated by CARE-Denmark, 2011-12 & 2012-13.
EU 7th framework programme for research and technological development ENCI LowCarb Project
LCSN - Low Carbon Societies Network, 2009-12.
FoE norway
Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature Sustainable Energy Education, 2006-10.
AirClim - Air Pollution & Climate Secretariat, Sweden

Gender Theme in Sustainable Energy News in 2013, 2008-10, 2004-05;
CEE/SEE Climate NGO Report in 2009-10;
Baltic-Belarus & SEE NGO cooperation in 2008-11.

EU EuropeAid
EU Commission Europe Aid Balkan NGO Cooperation SEE.NET, 2010-11.
EU DG environment
EU Commission DG Environment Civil Society Support
2004-2010, 2002.
ForUM, Norway
Norwegian Forum for Environment and Development - ForUM  2007-09
Norges Natuvernforbundet  EuropeAid  

Europe Aid & the Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature

Azur Flame, Kazak Biogas project, Kazak-Ukrainian-Danish NGO Cooperation, 2004-06.
The Danish Outdoor Council's Small Grant Fund
Danish-CEE NGO Cooperation, 2001-04.
Atomkraft Nej Tak
The Danish Forum for Energy & Development (FEU), and the Danish Antinuclear Movement (OOA) for INFORSE-Europe when they closed their secretariats in 2002.
Danish Environmental Protection Agency
The Danish Environmental Protection Agency NGO Cooperation Projects in Belarus, 1999-2001.

INFORSE International Network for Sustainable Energy

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Printed: 2025-02-15
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