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INFORSE-Europe Activities
INFORSE-Europe Coordinator
New Action Plan
A new INFORSE-Europe action plan was adopted at the INFORSE-Europe meeting on June 26. With the new plan, the support and awareness activities will include sustainable-energy success stories, development of a renewable-energy education system, and support for national sustainable-energy strategies (see below). The lobbying activities will cover, e.g., follow-up of the new Pan-European Energy Conservation Guideline, EU energy activities, and the preparation for the UN Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD) meeting on energy in 2001. For the EU accession countries, INFORSE-Europe will support an early closure of high-risk nuclear power plants.
More information is available from the INFORSE-Europe coordinators that were re-elected at the meeting: Emil Bedi (FAE, Slovakia) and Gunnar Boye Olesen (OVE, Denmark).
Sustainable-Energy Successes
INFORSE-Europe has published a collection of 25 success stories in sustainable energy in central and eastern Europe (CEE) for the ECO-Forum ‘98 in June in Århus. It was a combined work of several INFORSE-members. It covers examples of NGO campaigns as well as projects involving energy efficiency and renewable-energy sources: wind, solar, small hydro, and biomass.
The report, entitled “Sustainable Energy Successes in Central and Eastern Europe”, is also available on the internet at and at (See publication list)
The idea is not to stop with these 25 cases, but gradually to increase the number. To do that, we invite organisations throughout CEE to propose additional cases that are proven successes or that have good potential for success. The additional cases will be included in the internet sites and will be used for “fact sheets” following the same format as the publication. Send your ideas to INFORSE-Europe c/o OVE, Denmark.
Renewable-Energy Education on the Internet
INFORSE-Europe is preparing an internet-based education programme on renewable energy, aimed towards tertiary and university education. The plan is to present material for students, NGOs, and professionals who are familiar with traditional energy systems, but who lack a deeper understanding of the use of renewable energy: potentials, technological development, economy, etc. The material will include exercises and guides to additional information.
Contact: INFORSE-Europe c/o FAE, Slovakia.
More information:
Att Gunnar Boye Olesen
OVE - Danish Organisation for Renewable Energy - Europe
Gl. Kirkevej 56, 8530 Hjortshøj, Denmark.
Ph: +45-8622 7000, fax: +45-8622 7096, e-mail:
Att Emil Bedi
FAE - Foundation for Alternative Energy
PO Box 35, 85007 Bratislava, Slovakia.
Ph/fax: +421-7-836 964, e-mail: