Date: November
29, 2007
Place: Skopje, Macedonia
Title: Sustainable Energy Workshop, Skopje, Macedonia
Contact: Eco-Sense,
att. Julijana Daskalov, Ana
On November 29, 2007, Eco-sense and
INFORSE-Europe organised a seminar on EU energy policy and their implementation
in Macedonia.
Full Title: Analysis of the Energy Law in the Republic
Macedonia and its respective approximation to European Policy - INFORSE Europe
from last 15 years of activity
in the area of sustainable energy.
The seminar brought together 20 participants representing NGOs, officials, research,
ministries, companies, and the Macedonian power transmission operator.
Macedonia has joined the South East European Energy Treaty, which entered into
force in 2006; the country also became an EU candidate country in 2006.
Both of these developments require Macedonia to implement the EU legislation
on energy markets and on environment.
It was clear from the analysis presented at the seminar by Eco-sense that the
status as a candidate country has a much larger effect for Macedonian legislation
than the SEE Energy Treaty, which only requires a few of the EU policies for
environment and renewable energy to be implemented. Macedonia is progressing
well in adopting EU legislation on environment and energy; but the practical
implementation of the EU-rules requires secondary legislation (bylaws and decrees
etc.) that are not in place yet.
Therefore, most of the EU legislation is not enforced in Macedonia for the time
being. Some interesting developments are taking place, however: Macedonia has
adopted a feed-in tariff of almost 9 Eur-cent/kWh for renewable electricity,
and many investors are working on wind-power and small hydropower projects. Until
now problems with grid connections have held back the development, but there
are hopes that this will be improved.
One issue of particular concern for many NGOs is Macedonia’s decision to
buy a share of the proposed Bulgarian power plant Belena of not less than 500
million Euro. This was a decision of the previous government and many NGOs hope
that the present government will step back and not make the formal agreement
that would be the next step.
Recommendations by Eco-sense , 3
pages, 112 kB ,
2007 December
Booklet ,
48 pages, 755kB ,
2007 December
13:00 Welcome on the workshop
by Ana
Colovic, Director
of the Center for environmental research and information.
13: 15 Comparative
analysis between the Law of Energy in the Republic of Macedonia,
guidelines and regulations and European Policy- EC Directives related
to energy
by Irena Srbinoska, Eco-sense, handout
(163 kB) , slides
(245 kB)
13:40 Recommendations and conclusions for more effective transposition
of the European Directives in Macedonia
by Julijana Daskalov, Eco
-sense, handout
(156 kB) , slides
(262 kB)
14:00 Coffee break
14:15 Global Picture, Our Visions, and EU Policy
by Gunnar Boye
Olesen, INFORSE-Europe, handout
250 kB 
15:00 Discussion, questions and answers
15:45 Conclusion from the discussion
16:00 Closing of workshop