% Renewables and Low-Carbon Scenarios in Europe by 2050.
Comparison, Development, Driving Forces, Barriers.
Stakeholder Dialogue Experiences from Germany and France.
of Scenarios in EU and EU countries. Advanced, Macroeconomic Models:
different problems, different solutions. Experiences
with Stakeholder Dialogue in France and Germany through an EU FP7
project (2009-11), where NGOs and researchers are working together.
Germanwatch, RAC-France, PIK, CIRED, INFORSE-Europe. Panel Debate. |
1: 100% Renewables Scenarios and other Low-Carbon Scenarios
Moderator: Jan Burck, Germanwatch
Introduction to Seminar and Low Carbon Societies Network
- Meike Fink, Climate Action Network - France (RAC-France),
FP7 Project leader
100% Renewables and Low-Carbon Scenarios in Europe -
a Comparison
- Gunnar Boye Olesen, International Network for Sustainable Energy
Low-Carbon Scenarios for Germany and France made with
Advanced, Macroeconomic Models: different problems, different solutions.
- Ruben Bibas, Centre International de Recherche sur l’Environnement
et le Développement (CIRED), Paris and Eva Schmid, Potsdam
Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).
Session 2: Stakeholder Involvements in
Scenario Building
Moderator: Rebecca Collyer, European Climate Foundation (ECF)
Stakeholder Involvement in Development of Scenarios for
Transitions to Low-Carbon/100% Renewables Societies
How to Involve Stakeholders? - Obstacles and success criteria, will
scenario methodology limit the choice of stakeholders, coalition
building, stakeholder involvement during the elaboration of scenarios
- Meike Fink (RAC-France) and Stéphane La Branche (Planet,
Energy, Climate Change Institute of Political Studies), Grenoble.
Fukushima (change in the program):
- Debate after Fukushima in
Germany -
Jan Burck
- After Fukushima in France - Meike Fink
Panel Debate: Involving
Stakeholders in the Transition to Low-Carbon Societies - the Way
Ahead? - What is the added value of involving
many stakeholders? Good and bad experiences. What kinds of stakeholder
dialogues should be part of the coming transition to low-carbon
- Rebecca Collyer (ECF), Georges Mercadal
(former vice president of the French CNDP - National Commission
of Public Debate), Chris Church (specialist on environment,
social and community development,
UK), Jan Burck (Germanwatch), Myriam Boveda (Energies Demain). |
- 2011 Link to the Event and the Registration.
is free.
is compulsory at EUSEW.
to INFORSE-Europe's EUSEW09 Event on February 13, 2009.
Other Events at EUSEW'09,
where INFORSE-Europe members participated:
Education workshops and hearing
at EUSEW'09 . |
became Campaign Associates to the Sustainable Energy Europe
Campaign. Read more on the EU Sustainable
Energy Week EUSEW and
on the Campaign: www.sustenergy.org,
and on INFORSE exhibition on EUSEW'08.
Read also the proceedings on the INFORSE-Europe
Seminar in Brussels on April 28, 2009, where Masha
Tarle presented the Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign.
information on the other years's INFORSE-Europe's EU Policy Seminars:
Seminar 2010
Proceedings /Program
Seminar 2009
Proceedings /Program
Seminar 2008
Proceedings /Program
Seminar 2007
Proceedings /Program
Seminar 2006
Proceedings /Program
Seminar 2005
Proceedings /Program
Seminar 2004
Proceedings /Program |