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SLOVAK REPUBLIC (2007-13 period)
link to 2004-06 Period

SF main

Countries Solar Wind Hydro Bio Geo Efficiency


- Renewable Energy Projects Approved in 2010 Read
SF managed by the Slovak Ministry of Economy
Call for tenders: KaHR-21SP 0801
Call for Tenders: KaHR 21DM 0801
Call for Tenders: DOP2008-SIP001

- Evaluation 2009 Read
- Renewable Projects Approved in 2009
SF managed by the Slovak Ministry of Environment
(Operational Goal 3.2-Climate change)
SF managed by the Slovak Ministry of Economy
Operational program: Competition and Economical Growth, Measure 2.1)

- Renewable Projects Approved before 2008
(2004-06) Read
SF managed by the Slovak Ministry of Economy
Operational Program: Industry and Services measure 1.3.
Operational Program: Industry and Services measure 1.4.
Operational Program: Industry and Services 1.4.(de minimis program)
Operational Program: Industry and Services measure 2.1.

SF managed by the Slovak Ministry of Environment Read
Operation Plan: Basic Infrastructure measure 2.2.
Operation Plan: Basic Infrastructure measure 2.3.


Renewable Energy Projects Approved in 2010
SF managed by the Slovak Ministry of Economy
Link to official web page (in Slovak):
Ministry of Economy link :

Call for tenders: KaHR-21SP 0801

Výroba elektrickej energie v kondenzacnom režime z biomasy
6 000 000,00 EUR
Banskobystrický kraj

2. Gajdoš-Consulting Engineers, s.r.o.
Malá vodná elektráren na Váhu Trnovec - rozšírenie MVE
723 823,67 EUR
Žilinský kraj

3. Inštitút techniky ochrany prostredia- ITOP s.r.o.
Bioplynová stanica Nový Dvor
1 082 022,37 EUR
Trnavský kraj

4. C m c, spol. s r.o.
Bioplynová stanica na farme dojníc Detva
2 800 502,00 EUR
Banskobystrický kraj

5. BINEKO, spol. s r.o
Inštalácia kotla na spalovanie biomasy v kotolni Sever - Rajec
445 079,14 EUR
Žilinský kraj

6. PRESTIMEX s.r.o.
Malá vodná elektráren na toku Bystrica - Nová Bystrica - MVE-NB
548 769,51 EUR
Žilinský kraj

7. PRAVEL spol. s r.o
Malá vodná elektráren Prakovce II
1 242 761,67 EUR
Košický kraj

8. Službyt, spol s r.o.
Rekonštrukcia mestskej výhrevne Senica na spalovanie biomasy
1 153 711,28 EUR
Trnavský kraj

9. OPTIMIZE ROI, s.r.o. Bioplynová stanica Vrbina
981 533,19 EUR
Trnavský kraj

10. BYTES, s.r.o.
Centrálny tepelný zdroj na biomasu – Detva
3 458 011,52 EUR
Banskobystrický kraj

11. ENERGYWOOD, a.s.
Uzovská Panica slnecná fotovoltaická elektráren 0,999 MW
2 776 079,44 EUR
Banskobystrický kraj

12. STM POWER a.s.
Zníženie energetickej nárocnosti a využitie slnecnej energie na výrobu elektrickej
1 061 583,07 EUR
Trenciansky kraj

Uzovská Panica slnecná fotovoltaická elektráren 0,999 MW
2 765 128,27 EUR
Banskobystrický kraj

14.ELPO, s.r.o. Stará Lubovna
Malá vodná elektráren Stará Lubovna
2 787 321,50 EUR
Prešovský kraj

15.ENERGO - AQUA a.s.
Malá vodná elektráren Šalková
4 647 149,17 EUR
Banskobystrický kraj

16. SUN PARK, s.r.o.
Fotovoltaická elektráren
1 321 117,97 EUR
Nitriansky kraj

17. Výskumnorealizacný ústav obnovitelných zdrojov energie, s.r.o.
Fotovoltaická elektráren Kolárovo I. a II.
5 992 000,00 EUR
Nitriansky kraj

18. GESTUS Investments, s.r.o.
Fotovoltaická solárna elektráren Malá Domaša
2 346 668,18 EUR
Prešovský kraj

19. RJ Development, a.s.
FV systém 3366 kWp Brezová pod Bradlom
5 999 998,10 EUR
Trenciansky kraj

Modernizácia a zefektívnenie výroby tepla z obnovitelných zdrojov energie v spolocnosti TURZOVSKÁ DREVÁRSKA FABRIKA s.r.o.
414 920,56 EUR
Ž ilinský kraj

21. THERMALTECH s.r.o.
Výstavba slnecnej fotovoltaickej elektrárne Malý Kamenec
2 761 807,68 EUR
Košický kraj

22. FROST a.s. Prešov
Využitie obnovitelných zdrojov energie spolocnostou FROST a.s. Prešov pomocou
zariadení využívajúcich slnecnú energiu
769 677,35 EUR
Prešovský kraj

23. ESENTIA s.r.o.
Výstavba fotovoltaického zariadenia s výkonom 1,155 MWp (rotacný systém fotovoltaických panelov)
5 088 982,25 EUR
Banskobystrický kraj

Call for Tenders: KaHR 21DM 0801

1. Ján Babic- Stolárstvo
Prístavba novej kotolne na spalovanie biomasy a doplnenie novej energetickej
technológie vo firme Stolárstvo Babic
99 539,60 EUR
Prešovský kraj

2. TYRAPOL, spol. s.r.o.
Vykurovanie objektu Tyrapol tepelnými cerpadlami
66 089,21 EUR
Ž ilinský kraj

3. František Záruba ELZAR
Rekonštrukcia MVE – Boboty, Dolný Harmanec
144 294,16 EUR
Banskobystrický kraj

Call for Tenders: DOP2008-SIP001

1. Miroslav Gupka
Stolárska produkcia pomocou inovovanej technológie, zníženie energetických
nákladov využitím biomasy, nové pracovné miesta
15 278,99 EUR
Nitriansky kraj

2. PV Solarsys, s.r.o.
Zavedenie inovatívnej technológie na výrobu fotovoltaických panelov a zvýšenie zamestnanosti
154 000,00 EUR
Košický kraj

3. Marián Kišák
Obnovitelné zdroje energie výroba brikiet zo slamy
25 470,09 EUR
Banskobystrický kraj

Spracovanie biomasy a výroba drevných peliet
172 110,47 EUR
Prešovský kraj

Call for Tenders: KaHR-13SP-0801

1. DREVOPROJEKT Komárno, s.r.o
Vývoj univerzálnej pyrolyzacnej linky na rôzne druhy biomasy
814 380,80 EUR
Nitriansky kraj

2. GoldenSUN Slovakia, s.r.o.
Priemyselný výskum a vývoj solárnej vežovej tepelnej elektrárne
1 982 250,00 EUR
Ž ilinský kraj

Evaluation 2009
In 2009, several renewable energy projects were supported from EU SF in Slovakia . Funds were distributed through the two ministries - Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Economy. Ministry of environment has the main scheme called Operational goal 3.2: Minimalization of impacts of climate change including support of renewable energy. Link to official web page (in Slovak):

The ministry of economy distributed the funds for the renewables through their Operational program : Competition and economical growth. Measure 2.1 - Increasing of energy efficiency on supply and demand side and implementation of progressive technologies in energy production. Link to official web page (in Slovak):

In 2008, EU funds used for sustainable energy projects were distributed mainly through two operating programs.
· OP industry and services – eligible projects were oriented on energy efficiency in industrial processes and buildings, projects of combined heat and power production, RE, regulation and automatisation of heating systems including heat distribution networks. Beneficiaries were mainly private companies.
· OP basic infrastructure was also oriented mainly at private companies few projects on community level were also supported.

From the database of 2008 supported projects it can be seen that huge amount of funds have been used for fossil fuels (co-firing of coal and biomass, natural gas boilers etc.). All these projects have been approved because of reduction of emissions. Interestingly by far the project with the largest support was oriented on co-firing of coal and biomass at Zvolenska teplarenska, a.s. (14 million EUR). Due to the lack of technical data (share of biomass?) it can be hardly seen as the example of sustainable energy project.

There have been 31 projects supported from the OP infrastructure. Total amount of funds allocated was 1,366,793,543 SKK (40,199 mil. EUR). They have been distributed in the following way :
Biomass 14 projects 343,250,000 SKK (25,1 %)
Geothermal 1 project 31,932,000 SKK ( 2,3 %)
Emission reduction 7 projects 292,256,000 SKK (21,4%)
Natural gas 7 projects 211,545,000 SKK (15,5%)
Energy efficiency 1 projects 17,555,000 SKK ( 1,2 %)
Co-firing (coal+biomass) 1 project 470,251,000 SKK (34,5 %)

There were another 42 projects supported from OP industry and services. Total amount of funds were 758,525,000 SKK (22,309 million EUR). Here 11 biomass oriented projects received total of 380,271,000 SKK (50%), six hydro power projects received 159 766 000 SKK (21 %), five project on geothermal energy received 57,911,000 SKK (8 %) and the rest was used for energy efficiency (savings) and natural gas projects.

More than 90 % of all funds went to private companies and the rest was used by the municipalities.

Renewable Energy Projects Approved in 2009

SF managed by the Slovak Ministry of Environment

Operational goal 3.2: Minimalization of impacts of climate change including support of renewable energy. Link to official web page (in Slovak):

1. RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary:  ZS s MS Nizny Slavkov
Project title: Change of fuel source for kindergarden and elementary school
Allocated grant: 986 492 EUR

2. RE source:  Biomass - wood chips
Beneficiary:  Zarnovicka energeticka, s.r.o.
Project title: Utilisation of wood chips in district heating system in city of Zarnovica
Allocated grant: 2 553 333  EUR

3. RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary:  Zdruzenie obci Bioenergia Bystricko
Project title: Reconstruction of heating plants in region of Banska Bystrica
Allocated grant: 6 553 768 EUR

4. RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary:  ZS Svedlar
Project title: Biomass heating plant for elementary school in Svedlar
Allocated grant:  459 568 EUR

5. RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary:  village of Liptovska Luzna
Project title: Reconstruction of heating plants
Allocated grant: 2 606 809  EUR

6. RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary:  BYTHERM, s.r.o. Mestsky bytovy podnik Poltar
Project title: Reconstruction of heating plant and change of fuel base to biomass
Allocated grant: 1 798 137  EUR

7. RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary:  TEHOS, s. r. o
Project title: Biomass heating plant in Dolny Kubin - Brezovec
Allocated grant: 1 198 403 EUR

8. RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary:  Elementary School in Klin
Project title: Fuel change to biomass
Allocated grant: 532 253 EUR

9. RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary:  ENERGO - BYTOS, s.r.o.
Project title: Heat production from biomass in town Sahy
Allocated grant: 1 487 339 EUR

10. RE source:  Solar energy
Beneficiary:  Psychiatricka nemocnica Veľke Zaluzie
Project title: Solar collectors for water heating in psychiatric hospital Velke Zaluzie
Allocated grant: 393 130 EUR

11. RE source:  Solar energy
Beneficiary:  Domov dochodcov a domov socialnych sluzieb Kosice - Barca
Project title: Installation of solar collectors and isolation of social services house
Allocated grant: 1 035 965 EUR

SF managed by the Slovak Ministry of Economy

Operational program: Competition and Economical Growth

Measure 2.1 - Increasing of energy efficiency on supply and demand side and implementation of progressive technologies in energy production.

Link to official web page (in Slovak):

1. RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary:  BUČINA ZVOLEN, a.s.
Project title: Power production from biomass in condensing regime
Allocated grant: 6 000 000  EUR

2. RE source:  Small hydro power
Beneficiary:  Gajdos-Consulting Engineers, s.r.o.
Project title: Small hydro power plant in Trnovec on river Vah - upgrading of small hydro power plant Allocated grant:  723 823 EUR

3. RE source:  Biogas
Beneficiary:  Institut techniky ochrany prostredia - ITOP s.r.o.
Project title: Biogas station in Novy Dvor
Allocated grant: 1 082 022 EUR

4. RE source:  Biogas
Beneficiary:  C m c, spol. s r.o
Project title: Biogas station in agro farm Detva
Allocated grant: 2 800 502 EUR

5. RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary:  BINEKO, spol. s r.o
Project title: Installation of biomass boiler in heating plant Sever - Rajec
Allocated grant: 445 079 EUR

6. RE source:  Small hydro power
Beneficiary:  PRESTIMEX s.r.o.
Project title: Small hydro power plant in Bystrica - Nova Bystrica - MVE-NB
Allocated grant:  548 769 EUR

7. RE source:  Small hydro power
Beneficiary:  PRAVEL spol. s r.o
Project title: Small hydro power plant Prakovce II
Allocated grant:  1 242 761 EUR

8. RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary:  Sluzbyt, spol s r.o.
Project title: Reconstruction of communal heating plant for biomass burning in Senica
Allocated grant: 1 153 711 EUR

9. RE source:  Biogas
Beneficiary:  OPTIMIZE ROI, s.r.o.
Project title: Biogas station in Vrbina
Allocated grant: 981 533 EUR

10. RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary:  BYTES, s.r.o.
Project title: Central biomass heating plant - Detva
Allocated grant: 3 458 011 EUR

11. RE source:  Solar - photovoltaic
Beneficiary:  ENERGYWOOD, a.s.
Project title: Uzovska Panica solar photovoltaic power plant 0,999 MW
Allocated grant: 2 776 079 EUR

12. RE source:  Solar - photovoltaic
Beneficiary:  STM POWER a.s.
Project title: Improving of energy efficiency and utilisation of solar energy for power production
Allocated grant: 1 061 583 EUR

13. RE source:  Solar - photovoltaic
Beneficiary:  GEMCASS PROGRESS, s.r.o.
Project title: Uzovska Panica solar photovoltaic power plant 0,999 MW
Allocated grant: 2 765 128 EUR

14. RE source:  Small hydro power
Beneficiary:  ELPO, s.r.o. Stara Ľubovňa
Project title: Small hydro power plant Stara Ľubovňa
Allocated grant:  2 787 321 EUR

15. RE source:  Small hydro power
Beneficiary:  ENERGO - AQUA a.s. Salkova
Project title: Small hydro power plant Salkova
Allocated grant:  4 647 149 EUR

16. RE source:  Solar - photovoltaic
Beneficiary:  SUN PARK, s.r.o.
Project title: Solar photovoltaic power plant
Allocated grant: 1 321 117 EUR

17. RE source:  Solar - photovoltaic
Beneficiary:  Vyskumno-realizačny ustav obnoviteľnych zdrojov energie, s.r.o.
Project title: Solar photovoltaic power plant Kolarovo I. a II
Allocated grant: 5 992 000 EUR

18. RE source:  Solar - photovoltaic
Beneficiary:  GESTUS Investments,s.r.o.
Project title: Solar photovoltaic power plant Mala Domasa
Allocated grant: 2 346 668 EUR

19. RE source:  Solar - photovoltaic
Beneficiary:  RJ Development, a.s.
Project title: Solar photovoltaic power plant 3366 kWp Brezova pod Bradlom
Allocated grant: 5 999 998 EUR

20. RE source:  Biomass
Project title: Modernisation of heat production
Allocated grant: 414 920 EUR

21. RE source:  Solar - photovoltaic
Beneficiary:  THERMALTECH s.r.o.
Project title: Solar photovoltaic power plant Maly Kamenec
Allocated grant: 2 761 807 EUR

22. RE source:  Solar energy
Beneficiary:  FROST a.s. Presov
Project title: Utilisation of solar energy by the company FROST a.s. Presov
Allocated grant: 769 677 EUR

23. RE source:  Solar - photovoltaic
Beneficiary:  ESENTIA s.r.o.
Project title: Installation of solar photovoltaic power plant 1,155 MWp (rotation system of PV panels)
Allocated grant: 5 088 982 EUR

Renewable Energy Projects Approved in 2008

SF managed by the Slovak Ministry of Economy

Operational Program: Industry and Services measure 1.3.

List of approved projects (signing of final contracts maybe pending in some cases):

RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary:  ECOSON s.r.o., district of Trencin
Project title: Research of the new technology of biofuels production using ultrasound energy.
Allocated grant: 3,13 mil. SKK (1EUR = 37,5 SKK)

RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary:  Vihorlat s.r.o. Snina, district of Presov
Project title: Development of biomass boilers (75-2000 kW) and related automatisation technology and its certification.
Allocated grant: 2.67 mil. SKK (1EUR = 37,5 SKK)

Links to the list of approved and above mentioned projects on the web site of the Slovak Ministry of Economy: 1 (SEA_1_3_sp.doc) , 2 (SEA_1_3_dm.doc)

Operational Program: Industry and Services measure 1.4.
Approved projects:

RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary:  Turcianska drevarska spol, district of Zilina
Project title: Combined heat and power production from biomass.
Allocated grant: 17.17 mil. SKK (1EUR = 37.5 SKK)

RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary:  Yvex, district of Zilina
Project title: Heating plant using biomass.
Allocated grant: 32.00 mil. SKK (1EUR = 37.5 SKK)

RE source:  Hydro power
Beneficiary:  Anna Chorvatova ALFA, district of Zilina
Project title: Small hydro power plant Svrckova.
Allocated grant: 4.19 mil. SKK (1EUR = 37.5 SKK)

RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary:  BUCINA ZVOLEN, a.s., district of Banska Bystrica
Project title: Power production from biomass in condensing regime.
Allocated grant: 35.80 mil. SKK (1EUR = 37.5 SKK)

RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary:  Smrecina Holding I., a.s., district of Zilina
Project title: Utilisation of biomass for energy purposes.
Allocated grant: 144.41 mil. SKK (1EUR = 37.5 SKK)

RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary:  Rettmeier Tatra Timber, s.r.o., district of Zilina
Project title: Power plant using biomass in Liptovsky Hradok.
Allocated grant: 104.50 mil. SKK (1EUR = 37.5 SKK)

RE source:  Hydro power
Beneficiary:  Stevanka Ondrej, district of Nitra
Project title: Completion of small hydro power plant Podluzany on the rivetr Nitra (km 84,7).
Allocated grant: 15.18 mil. SKK (1EUR = 37.5 SKK) 

RE source:  Geothermal
Beneficiary:  MAGMA ZAFIR, s.r.o, district of Nitra
Project title: Utilisation of geothermal energy in Bardonovo – sources and distribution of heat.
Allocated grant: 15.18 mil. SKK (1EUR = 37.5 SKK)

RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary:  RADEN s.r.o., district of Kosice
Project title: Utilisation of biomass for the production of heat and warm water in Slavosovce .
Allocated grant: 5.90 mil. SKK (1EUR = 37.5 SKK)

RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary:  TURZOVSKA DREVARSKA FABRIKA s.r.o., district of Zilina
Project title: Heating of company new production facility – installation of thermal sources with utilisation of biomass as the local energy source .
Allocated grant: 19.42 mil. SKK (1EUR = 37.5 SKK)

RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary:  Energobyt spol. s.r.o., district of Presov
Project title: Energy savings in production areas of company Energobyt Humenne through isolation and installation of biomass fired boiler.
Allocated grant: 9.71 mil. SKK (1EUR = 37.5 SKK)

RE source:  Hydro power
Beneficiary:  ROTOR spol. s r.o., district of Presov
Project title: Construction f small hydro power plant “Ruzbasska Mi?ava - I. phase.
Allocated grant: 59.42 mil. SKK (1EUR = 37.5 SKK)

RE source:  Geothermal
Beneficiary:  FKL a brat, spol. s.r.o., district of Nitra
Project title: Geothermal boring near Kastiel Tovarniky.
Allocated grant: 54.13 mil. SKK (1EUR = 37.5 SKK)

RE source:  Hydro power
Beneficiary:  Dmi TRADE s.r.o., district of Zilina
Project title: Construction of small hydro power plant on the river Vah.
Allocated grant: 44.36 mil. SKK (1EUR = 37.5 SKK)

RE source:  Hydro power
Beneficiary:  ENERGO-AQUA a.s., district of Trencin
Project title: Construction of small hydro power plant Trencianske Biskupice.
Allocated grant: 32.63 mil. SKK (1EUR = 37.5 SKK)

Link to the list of approved projects on the web site of the Ministry of Economy ( SEA_1_4_sp.doc)

Operational Program: Industry and Services 1.4. (de minimis program)
Approved projects

RE source:  Geothermal
Beneficiary:  TRADEINVEST SERVICE, spol. s r.o., district of Zilina
Project title: Heat pump.
Allocated grant: 0.391 mil. SKK (1EUR = 37.5 SKK)  

RE source:  Hydro power
Beneficiary:  PRAVEL spol. s r.o., district of Kosice
Project title: Reconstruction of small hydro power plant - PRAVEL.
Allocated grant: 3.96 mil. SKK (1EUR = 37.5 SKK)  

RE source:  Geothermal
Beneficiary:  REP s.r.o., district of Presov
Project title: Utilisation of geothermal potential of geothermal source L-1 for energy purposes – feasibility study.
Allocated grant: 3.96 mil. SKK (1EUR = 37.5 SKK)

RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary:  Holz-Mobel SR, s.r.o., district of Trencin
Project title: Utilisation of waste wood for the heat production.
Allocated grant: 1.74 mil. SKK (1EUR = 37.5 SKK)

Link to the list of approved projects on the web site of the Ministry of Economy (SEA_1_4_dm.doc)

Operational Program: Industry and Services measure 2.1.
Approved projects:

RE source:  Geothermal
Beneficiary:  City of Sladkovicovo, district of Trnava
Project title: Geothermally heated swimming pool Vincov les, Sladkovicovo.
Allocated grant: 100.00 mil. SKK (1EUR = 37.5 SKK)

Link to the list of projects on the web site the Slovak Ministry of Economy (SACR_2_1.doc)

SF managed by the Slovak Ministry of Environment

Operation Plan: Basic Infrastructure measure 2.2. improvement and the development of infrastructure for the air protection
List of approved projects:

RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary:  City of Strecno
Project title: Biomass fired heating plant in Strecno.
Allocated grant: 9.37 mil. SKK (1EUR = 37.5 SKK)

RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary: Hri?ovske tepelne hospodarstvo, spol. s.r o
Project title: Substitution of fossil fuels by the biomass in district heating system of city of Hrinova.
Allocated grant: 13.09 mil. SKK (1EUR = 37.5 SKK)

RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary: Zvolenska teplarenska, a.s.
Project title: Ecological improvement of heat source through the co-firing of biomass (and coal) at company Zvolenska teplarenska, a.s.
Allocated grant: 470.25 mil. SKK (1EUR = 37.5 SKK)

RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary: Kappa Sturovo, a.s.
Project title: Reconstruction of boiler K1 for co-firing of biomass (and coal).
Allocated grant: 125.46 mil. SKK (1EUR = 37.5 SKK)

RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary: TERMONOVA, a.s. Nova Dubnica
Project title: Reconstruction of heating plant in the town of Nova Dubnica – boilers for the firing of waste wood.
Allocated grant: 24.99 mil. SKK (1EUR = 37.5 SKK)

RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary: Kysuca, s.r.o.
Project title: Reconstruction of heating plant in the town of Kysucke Nove Mesto substitution of the boiler R11,6H for the boiler firing wood chips.
Allocated grant: 9.50 mil. SKK (1EUR = 37.5 SKK)

RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary: MENERT-THERM, s.r.o.
Project title: Reconstruction of heating plant Pazmana 24 in town Sala - boiler firing wood chips.
Allocated grant: 5.31 mil. SKK (1EUR = 37.5 SKK)

RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary: MENERT-THERM, s.r.o.
Project title: Reconstruction of heating plant Kukucinova 6 in town Sala - straw firing boiler.
Allocated grant: 5.62 mil. SKK (1EUR = 37.5 SKK)

Link to the list of projects on the web site of the Sloval Ministry of Environment

Operation Plan: Basic Infrastructure measure 2.3. imrovement and the development of waste management
Approved project:

RE source:  Biomass
Beneficiary: Ladislav Takac VICTORY
Project title: Utilisation of saw dust
Allocated grant: 4.85 mil. SKK (1EUR = 37.5 SKK)

Link to the list of projects on the website of the Slovak Ministry of Environment (in Slovak language only)


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