Hear about sufficiency lifestyle policies to decarbonise and to include them into NDCs, and GSTs. Results of new European research surveying 20 000 people, 50 citizen initiatives, 16 national policies and 3 citizens’ workshop modelling quantitative effects in an input-output model; focusing on sectors: housing, food, transport, consumption; 100% renewables; EU & India.
Speakers are researchers, NGOs of EU Horizon FULFILL project: Dr. Elisabeth Dütschke, Fraunhofer ISI, Germany; Yves Marignac, Association négaWatt, France; Wolfram Sparber, Eurac Research, Italy; Gunnar B. Olesen, SE Denmark; Judit Szoleczky, INFORSE.
Organisers: INFORSE, négaWatt, France; Fraunhofer ISI, Germany; SE, Denmark with cooperation of Jacques Delors Institute, France; POLIMI and Eurac, Italy; Wuppertal Institute, Germany; Green Liberty, Latvia.
- What is sufficiency? Beter with Less ! IPCCC’s SER model: Sufficiency, Efficiency, Renewables. By Yves Marignac, NégaWatt, France.
- Sufficiency in our society. Research results, EU + India. gender aspects within the project FULFILL. By Dr. Elisabeth Dütschke, Fraunhofer ISI, Germany.
- Input-output model, quantifying CO2 reductions of policy changes.By Wolfram Sparber, Eurac Research, Italy.
- Sufficiency policies in NDCs and the EU countries national climate and energy plans (NECPs). By Gunnar Boye Olesen, INFORSE-Europe/ SustainableEnergy, Denmark.
Proceeding of presentations are available at the link below.