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Event: INFORSE at UN CSD15: April 30 - May 11, 2007
INFORSE Side Event: Monday, April 30 2007, 6.15 - 7.45 pm, UN Building, Conference Room B.
Sustainable Energy for South and North, NGO Experiences and Visions Including Successes of Grameen Shakti in Bangladesh.

INFORSE�s work on Sustainable Energy Visions globally and nationally, sustainable energy for poverty reduction. By Gunnar Boye Olesen, INFORSE-Europe

- Successes of Grameen Shakti with micro-credits for solar home systems and other renewables for poverty reduction in Bangladesh, based on micro-credits similar to those of the Nobel Price winning Grameen Bank. By Abser Kamal � Grameen Shakti.

- Successes of Centre for Rural Technology/Nepal on improved water mills, cookstoves, and biogas for poverty reduction. By Ganesh Ram Shrestha, Centre for Rural Technology/Nepal

- Sustainable Energy for Poverty Reduction, an action-oriented review of NGO solutions from South Asia, leading to a new user-friendly manual on sustainable energy for development. By Raymond Myles, INFORSE South-Asia, India.

- Moderated discussion on visions and solutions.

This side event is based on the work of and organized by INFORSE; The Danish Organisation for Sustainable Energy, Denmark; INSEDA, India; Centre for Rural Technology (CRT), Nepal; Grameen Shakti, Bangladesh.

The objective of the discussion will be to generate innovative responses that could be used at CSD15, and to discuss the use of sustainable energy visions and of sustainable energy solutions for poverty reduction.

INFORSE � International Network for Sustainable Energy � a network of 170 NGOs worldwide - has developed the Sustainable Energy Vision 2050 a collection of scenarios (national, EU, and global) that demonstrate possible ways to achieve a sustainable energy path by 2050.

OVE � The Danish Organisation for Sustainable Energy is an NGO involved in development activities for sustainable energy in Asia and Africa, as well as in Danish policies for sustainable energy

INSEDA - The Integrated Sustainable Energy and Ecological Development Association is a national India organization formed by the grassroots NGOs who had been involved in the promotion of renewable energy programmes with special focus on the implementation of biogas, since 1980.

Grameen Shakti, a member if the �Grameen Family� of organisations, active on large-scale dissemination of PV solutions and other renewable energy with micro-credits in Bangladesh

Centre for Rural Technology(CRT), Nepal has achieved an impressive number of successes during its 20 years of active involvement in rural energy solutions in Nepal, with focus on solutions to reduce poverty.

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