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* Event with INforSE participation
June 30, 1996*
INforSE - Europe Annual Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark
Info: INforSE - Europe, see page no.11
July 1-8, 1996*
The City as an Organism, Urban Ecology Now & in the Future,
Copenhagen, Denmark
European Conference & Exhibitions on sustainable & urban environ.
solutions. Part of Cultural City Copenhagen '96.
Info: Niels Lyck, OVE, Blegdamsvej 4, 2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark.
Ph/fax: +45-3537-3565/-3676.
See page no. 11
July 8-12, 1996
Moscow Solar Summit, Russia
Info: see Solar Summit NGO Newsletter
July 16-18, 1996
13th International Conference on Passive & Low Energy
Architecture, Building and Urban Renewal, Louvain la Neuve,
Info: Prof. A. de Herde, Architecture et Climat, Place Levant,
B-1348 Ottignes Ouvain la Neuve, Belgium.
Ph/Fax: +32 10472142/+35 10474544,
July 19-29, 1996
2nd Annual Baltic Youth Environmental Camp, Kaliningrad, Russia.
Languages: English and Russian.
Info: Ecodefense, P.O.Box 1477. Kaliningrad, Russia.
Ph/fax: +7-0112-437386,
July 24-27, 1996
High-Level Expert Meeting on Solar Energy, East & South Asia,
Akita, Japan
Info: see Solar Summit NGO Newsletter
July 25-26, 1996
Workshop: Silt Damages at Hydro Power Stations, New Delhi, India
Info: Shri C.V.J. Varma, Central Board of Irrigation and Power
Malcha Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-110021, India. Ph/fax:
+91-11-301-5984/-6347, email:
July 29-31, 1996
First Trabzon Int. Energy & Env. Symposium, Trabzon, Turkey
Info: Prof Dr. T. Ayhan, TIEES-96, Dept. of Mech. Engineering,
Karadeniz Tech. Univ., Trabzon 61080, Turkey.
Ph/fax: +462 325-3223/-7405,
July 29-31, 1996
Solar Energy in East and South-East Asia, Ogata-Mura Village,
Info: UNESCO, SC/EST, 1, rue Miollis,
75732 Paris Cedex 15, France.
Fax: +33-1-40659535.
August 4-24, 1996
Ecotopia, Czech Republic
Environmental camp with workshops on sustainable energy and much
Info: EYFA, Postbus 94115, 1090 GC Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Ph/fax: +31-20-6657743/-6928757,
August 25-31, 1996
Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Pacific Grove, CA, USA
Summer Study Seminar
Info: ACEEE, 2140 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 202, Berkley, CA 94704
Ph/fax: +1-510-54999-14/-84.
August 26-29, 1996
International Conference on Sustainable Use of Biological
Resources, Budapest, Hungary
Info: Dr. Gusztv Hencsey, Computer and Automation Research
Institute, MTA, Kende u. 13-17, H-1111 Budapest, Hungary.
Ph/fax: +361- 18-10511/-69378,
August 28-29, 1996
The 6th Asian Conference on Energy Technology, Bangkok, Thailand
Info: Prof. Chullapong Chullabodhi, KMITT, Bangmod, Ratburana,
Bangkok 10140, Thailand. Fax: +662 479062.
August 28-29, 1996
Int. Energy & Environment Conf. Sydney, Australia
Info: Lori Evans, Business Council of Australia, POBox 7225,
Melbourne 3004. Australia.
Ph/fax: +61-3-9274-7715/-9274-7744.
August 28-30, 1996
Renewable Energy for Rural Development, Bangkok, Thailand
Info: ASEAN Solar Energy Network, P.O. Box 91, Ratburana, Bangkok
10140, Thailand.
Fax: +662 4284014.
September 1-4, 1996*
Preparatory NGO Meeting to the UNESCO Conference on Adult
Education, Sopron, Hungary
Info: See page no. 4. Included calendar to the official
Preparatory Meetings also.
September 5-7, 1996
EWEA 95: Economics of Wind Energy, Helsinki, Finland
Info: Erkki Haaparem, Finnish Wind Power Organisation, Fin 35600
Halli, Finland.
Fax: 35842820648.
September 9-11, 1996
Int. Conference: Environ., Long -Term Governability & Democracy,
Abbaye de Fontevraud, France.
Info: Monique Cavagnara, Centre de Prospective et de Veile
Scientifique, Drast, Matet, Tour Pascal B, F92055 Paris La
Defense, Cedex 04 France.
Fax: +33-1-40816396.
September 15-19, 1996
Bioenergy '96, Tennessee, USA
7th National Bioenergy Conf., & 3rd Liquid Fuel Conf., Nashville.
Info: Bonnie Badger, Southeastern Regional Biomass Energy
Program, Tennessee Valley Authority, CEB 3A, PO Box 1010, Muscle
Shoals, Alabama 35662-1010, USA.
Ph/fax: +1-205-386-2925/-2963.
September 16-17, 1996*
World Solar Summit, Harare, Zimbabwe
Info: see Solar Summit NGO Newsletter
September 16-19, 1996
EuroSun '96, 10th Int. Solar Forum, Freiburg Germany
Info: ISES-Europe or Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Sonneenergie,
Augustenstr.79, 80333 Mnchen, Germany,
September 22-25, 1996
Second European Biofuels Forum, Graz, Austria
Info: Joanneum Research, 2nd European Biofuels Forum,
Elisabethstrasse 11, A-8010, Graz, Austria. Fax: +43-316876-320.
September 30 - October 1, 1996
First European Energy Crops Conference, Enschede, Netherlands
Info: see page no. 11
October 7-9, 1996
REAP '96 Conference & Exhibition
Info: see page no.8
October 7-11, 1996
International Course: Small Hydro Development, New Delhi, India
Info: International Association for Small Hydro, CBIP Building,
Malcha Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021 India.
Ph/fax: +91-1130-15984/-16347.
October 15-18, 1996
ENEF'96, Slovakia
2nd Int. Conf.& Exhibit.of Association of Energy Managers of
Info: Marian Rutsek, Kukucinova 5, Banska Bystrica, PSC 97401,
Slovak Republic.
Ph/fax: +42-88-7233-923/-20.
October 22-25, 1996
Energy Africa '96, Nairobi, Kenya
Info: Tracey Nolan, 37 Upper Duke Street, Liverpool L1 9DY, UK.
Fax: +44-151709 7801.
October 28-November 1, 1996
Velo Australis, Int. Bicycle Conference, Fremantle, Australia
Info: Promaco Conventions Pty Ltd. PO Box 8I90, Canning Bridge,
Western Australia 6153.
Ph/fax: +61-9-3648311/-3161453,
January 6-10, 1997
3rd Int. Conference on Solar Cookers Use and Technology, Tamil
Nadu, India.
Info: Rajammal Devadas, Avinashilingam Deemed University,
Coimbatore 641043, India.
Ph/fax: +91-422-440140/-438786.
January 8-10, 1997.
Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Kushiro, Japan
Info: Secretariat, PLEA 1997 Kushiro Conference. Ph/fax
January 22-24, 1996
Energy and Economic Growth - Is Sustainable Growth Possible?, New
Delhi, India
Info: Dr Leena Srivastava, Policy Analysis Division, Tata Energy
Research Institute, Habitat Place, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003
India. Ph/fax; +91-11-462 2246/1117
February 3-7, 1997
1st Int. Conf. on Renewable Energy - Small Hydro, Hyderabad,
Info: C.V.J. Varma, CBIP Building, Malcha Marg, Chanakyapuri, New
Delhi 110021, India.
Ph/Fax: +91-011-3015984/-30116347,
February 4-7, 1997
R'97 - Recovery, Recycling, Re-integration, Geneva, Switzerland
3rd International Congress with Exhibition, language: English,
French, German.
Info: EMPA, Dr Xaver Edelmann, Chairmann PO Box, CH-9001 St
Gallen. Ph/fax: +41-71-300101/-300199.
August 24-29, 1997
ISES 1997: Future Globe in the Sun, Korea
Info: Korean Solar Energy Society, 635-4 Yeoksamdong, Kangnamgu,
Seoul 135730, Korea. Fax: +82-2-5689208.