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Energy Access and Climate Protection

Publication - 2014
"Combining Energy Access and
Climate Protection"
How energy can be provided with sustainable energy, reducing emissions and increasing wellbeing

Cases in Asia and Africa.
Compiled by the INFORSE members.

Update: December 2014
This publication highlights sustainable energy solutions that improve energy access and livelihood even as they reduce greenhouse-gas emissions. It is produced by INFORSE, the International Network for Sustainable Energy, in cooperation with ENDA/ INFORSE-West Africa, INSEDA/ INFORSE-South Asia; Mali Folkecenter; CRT Nepal;. WAFD and AIWC, India; and Grameen Shakti, Bangladesh.

List of Contents:

  • Energy Access and Climate Protection – Overview and Summary, Page 3.
  • Mali: Solar Lantern for Rural Household Lighting and Cell Phone Charging
    by Mali Folkecenter, page 7
  • Mali: Jatropha Oil Production for Local Energy Use
    by Mali Folkecenter, page 11
  • Togo: Solar Lamp for a Households
    by ATODES/ENDA, page 15
  • Senegal: Baking Ovens: Improved Hybrid Ovens Using Gas/Woodfuel
    by ENDA, page 21
  • Senegal: Removal of the Subsidy on LPG
    by ENDA, page 24
  • India: Carbon Credit for Household Biogas Plants,
    by INSEDA, page 28
  • India: Bamboo Used at Biogas, Solar within Eco-Village Developments
    by INSEDA and WAFD, page 35
  • India: Solar Dryers for Income Generation
    by. AIWC, page 44
  • Sri Lanka: 'Anagi' Improved Cookstoves' Commercialisation
    by IDEA , page 52
  • Nepal: Improved Water Mills
    by CRT Nepal, page 61
  • Bangladesh: Solar Home Systems with Micro Credits
    by Grameen Shakti, page 69
    Contacts, page 74

Contributors and Editors:
Many people have contributed to this publication, and we thank them for their contributions.
The primary contributors to each case are listed at the start of the case on which they worked.

Editors: Djimingue Nanasta, Gunnar Boye Olesen, Raymond Myles, and Judit Szoleczky.

The cases were collected in the framework of the Programme "Southern Voices on Climate Change". The Programme is made by a consortium of five Danish NGOs, Climate Action Network and IIED. It is coordinated by CARE Denmark and funded by the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA). INFORSE activities also include INFORSE-South Asia, INFORSE-Africa, INFORSE-Europe, and the Danish INFORSE member "Sustainable Energy" (in Danish: VevarendeEnergi).

Launch of Publication:
- December, 2014: Update of Publcation with more cases.
- 4 June, 2014: Launch of Publication in Bonn at the Climate COP Pre-Conference.
- November 2013: Launched of draft Publication at INFORSE's Side Event of the UNFCCC COP19.

- Leaflet with Contents and Contacts (4 page pdf file)
- Full Publication (75-page, 3 MB pdf file) (from June 2014)

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Energy Access and Climate Protection

Publication Energy Access and Climate 2014 - pdf file

The Publication is made in 2013-14 in the framework of the "Southern Voices on Climate Change" Project.

Earlier Publication in 2012:
Collection of Cases:
Energy Access

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