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Sustainable Energy News is free of charge to INFORSE members.
In the last 10 years, we have sent the newsletter free of charge to non-profit
non-governmental organisations especially in developing countries and Central
and Eastern Europe, who requested it and could not pay the subscription fee.
We are looking for financial support to be able to do this again.
We do have arrangement on Exchange of Subscription.
Support with: 25 EUR
You are welcome to pay more supporting the activities and the receivers
in developing countries and Central and Eastern Europe.
Way of payment:
We use PayPal as our payment service, where you can use your Visa or Master card also.
The use of PayPal is free for you, the transaction costs are paid by INFORSE.
Just click on the image below to go to the support
If you
prefer to make a bank transfer:
Please transfer the money without cost to the receiver to the following bank
BANK: Danske Bank, Holmens Kanal 2-12, Copenhagen K, DK-1092, Denmark
Regional nr. 3283, Account Nr: 104001
IBAN: DK6430003283104001
to: INFORSE-Europe, Klosterport 4E, 1 floor
8000 Aarhus, Denmark
Would you like to find it on the web?
You can find pdf files of the last years' issues of Sustainable Energy News at
the INFORSE/SEN homepage.
can get a notification by e-mail, when a new issue is published. Please send
an email to: |
Would you like to be listed in the Contact List?
Your organisation can be listed in the Contact List.
- You can check your contact details ONLINE
- You can see the INFORSE members in each region.
- You can search the members and the contacts according to the name of the
country, and name of organisation.
you can still check your organisationŽs present listing at
the printed versions of the Contact List included
annually in the Sustainable Energy News.
-the pdf files of the Contact List at the Sustainable
Energy News issues.
send corrections and new entries to:
You can also download the Contact
List Form here in a word doc file (20 kB).
You are welcome sending a brochure or an email. Description should include:
Name of organisation, contact person(s), address, Ph/fax/email/http, type of
organisation and activities: like NGO, governmental, education, research. |
Would you like to write an article?
You are welcome to submit a proposal to an article.
We welcome short news, events, success stories and technical articles.
Please send it to the editors. We welcome illustrations, photos, charts etc.
Please note that we also welcome a short description and a photo of the author. |
Would you like to contact the editors?
The Editorial Office is hosted by INFORSE-Europe / OVE-Europe. See address to
the right.
Gunnar Boye Olesen, INFORSE-Europe/OVE, (The Danish Org. for Renewable Energy),
Judit Szoleczky, INFORSE-Europe/VE, theSustainableEnergy,
Niki Fowler (text advice), USA
Editorial Advisory Board:
INFORSE Regional Coordinators and Focal Points:
Raymond Myles, INSEDA, India
Sécou Sarr, ENDA-Energy, Senegal
Tatedo, Tanzania
Usha Nair, Kalyani Raj, AIWC, India
Tetsunari Iida, ISEP, Japan
Ganesh Shresta, Center for Rural Techology, Nepal
Emilio La Rovere, LIMA, Brazil
Roque Pedace, Rejima/FoE, Argentina
Ion Zamfir, Earth's Friends, Romania
Support Sustainable Energy News
Join the Contact List
Contact the Editors
Sustainable Energy News
INFORSE Secretariat
Klosterport 4F, 1. floor
DK-8000 Aarhus C
Phone: +45 86 22 70 00
Twitter: INFORSE_org
Facebook: INFORSE