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An Overview of Energy Programmes in Selected Multilaterals.
A survey of energy programmes within the UN-System & the World
Bank, which can support NGO energy projects in developing
By Natascia Petringa. 112 p. 1996.
Access to EU Funding. A Guide to programs of interest to NGOs
working with Renewable Energy in the Third World
By Jacob Ulrich. 38 p. 1996.
Contact: Forum for Energy and Development,
Landgreven 7, DK-1301 Copenhagen K,
ph.+45-33121307, fax+45-33121308,
Photovoltaics in Buildings: A Design Handbook for Architects,
Components, methods of integration into residential and
commercial buildings, system design, and installation and
maintenance. Japanese, European, North American contributions.
Detailed drawings and data about grid-connected and
By Friedrich Sick and Thomas Erge. 288p, œ50/$75, 1996.
The Climatic Dwelling: An Introduction to Climate-responsive
Residential Architecture
How to combine comfort, environmental concerns and aesthetics.
Beautiful and informative illustrations of European houses
responding to the climate - from Andalusian to temperate. Also
available as a 'resource pack': booklet, floppy disc, and
By E. O'Cofaigh, J.A. Olley, and J.O. Lewis. 176p, œ30/$50, 1995.
Contact: James & James Publisher
Waterside House, 47 Kentish Town Road, London NW1 8NZ, UK.
Ph/fax: +44-171284-3833/3737.
New Directions: Ten Years after Chernobyl. Report and
Recommendations to the Leaders of Russia and the G-7 Nations
Includes NGO views on sustainable energy, nuclear weapon
reductions, safety and democracy, especially in Central and
Eastern Europe.50p, 1996. In English and Russian.
- Center for Russian Environmental Policy, Leninsky Prospecty 33,
Room 326, Moscow, Russia 117808.
Ph/fax: +7-095952-2423/-3007.
- Natural Resources Defense Council, USA.
Ph/fax: +1-202783-7800/-5917.
- Bellona Foundation, Norway. Ph/fax: +47-2238-2410/-3862.
A Fingerbook Guide to Stopping the Western Nuclear Industry's
Expansion in Eastern Europe.
Info of nuclear power plants in Eastern Europe, alternatives,
list of info sources, groups working to phase out operating
plants or stop unfinished reactors.
In English, translated to German: Global 2000, Bulgarian: For
Mother Earth; Russian: SEU; Ukrainian: Neka; Swedish: WISE
Stockholm; Hungarian: Energy Club; Czech: Hnuti Duha; Slovak: Za
Matku Zem; Sloven: ASTE.
Contact: Paxus Calta,
Global 2000, Flurschuetzstr. 13, 1120 Vienna, Austria.
Ph/fax: +43-1-812-57300/-5728,
10 Years After the Chernobyl Disaster: Electricity in Eastern
Alternative analyses, energy policies, new perspectives.
By Felix Chr. Matthes and Lutz Mez 448p, 1996.
Contact: Heinrich-B”ll-Stiftung e.V.,
Brckenstrasse 5-11, 50667 K”ln, Germany.
Ph/fax: +49-2212-0711-0/-51.
Energy and Environmental Challenges in Central Asia & Caucasus:
Windows for co-operation
Overview of energy/environmental situation. Includes theme and
country status papers.
By Preeti Soni, 264p, $ 56, 1996.
Contact: Outreach Cell, Tata Energy Research Institute,
Darbari Seth Block, Habitat Place, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi 110003, India.
It's a Breeze! A Guide to Choosing Windpower
By Hugh Piggott. 36p, œ4.50, 1995.
Off the Grid: Managing Independent Renewable Electricity Systems
By Paul Allen, B. Todd. 60p, œ5.50, 1995.
Power Plants: Biofuels Made Simple
By Brian Horne. 64p, œ5.50, 1996.
Contact: New Futures, The Centre for Alternative Technology
Publications, Machynlleth, Powys SY20 9AZ, UK.
Ph/fax: +44-1654-702400/-702782.
Letters to Nani G. Oruga: An NGO Guide to the Global Environment
Facility (GEF)
A series of letters from one fictional NGO to another, addressing
the NGO-GEF relationship; what is the background, structure and
operation of the GEF, and how can NGOs be involved. 69p, 1996.
Contact: Climate Network Europe, 44 rue du Taciturne,
1000 Brussels, Belgium.
Ph/fax: +32-2231-0180/-2230-5713.
Pyne, Pyrolisis Network for Europe
New network of experts and enthusiasts from the EU
Countries.Coordinators in all EU countries. First newsletter
published March 1996. Free.
Contact: Karen Dowden or T. Bridgwater, Energy Research Group,
Aston University, Birmingham B4 7ET, UK.
Ph/fax: +44-121-359-3611/- 3596814,
Internet & CD ROM
New! Join It!
CD-ROM Library for Sustainable Development & Basic Human Needs
The CD release on 1/10/96 will include 40,000 pages (200 Books.)
$14. The goal is to publish 5-10 CD-ROM by July 1997.
Join it by publications sent on disk in ASCII format.
Contact: Michael Loots, Global Help Project, Ooterveldlaan 196,
B-2610 Antwerpen, Belgium.
Ph/fax:+32-3-4480554/ -4497574.
New! Join It!
Global Energy Marketplace (GEM) Your Link to Energy Info.
Sources about energy efficiency and renewable energy in an
indexed and searchable format. Now it has over 1,200 links to
sites all over the internet. Reports, list of experts,
directories of organizations. Continiously updated.
Join it by sending material on disk.
Contact: About CREST, Solstice see article in the previous issue
of Sustainable Energy News.