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Chernobyl: Close Down?
During the "Chernobyl + 10 years" campaign, thousands of people
protested against Chernobyl and other nuclear power plants. One
specific demand was to close the remaining reactors at Chernobyl,
which are some of the most dangerous.
In the early '90s, the Ukrainian parliament was already demanding
that Chernobyl be closed, but the economic crisis in Ukraine and
pressure from the Ukrainian nuclear lobby have delayed these
plans. Since 1994, support for the closure of Chernobyl has been
negotiated between Ukraine, the G7 countries, and the EU.
The first proposal, to replace Chernobyl with gas-fired power
plants, was rejected by Ukraine to avoid increasing dependence
on natural gas from Russia. The next proposal, to replace
Chernobyl with two nuclear reactors of the Russian VVER 1000
type, is currently under negotiation.
Ukraine is also reluctant to accept this proposal as it will be
difficult to pay back the international loans of more than $2
billion US that are part of the proposal, and because the funding
is not sufficient for a total and safe shutdown of Chernobyl.
Unfortunately, no proposal has been made to replace Chernobyl
with the cheaper solutions of more efficient use of electricity
and of the use of renewable energy where, e.g., small hydro and
wind are cost-effective options.
An NGO initiative, based on the "Chernobyl + 10 years" campaign,
is now working on an alternative plan to be presented at the G7
meeting on June 26 in Lyon, with subsequent continuing
refinement. Support of and participation in this work are
More info: National Resource Defence Council, NRDC, att. Miriam
Bolding, Washington DC, USA. Ph:+1-202-783-7800,
fax:+1-202-7835917, or
SNEEZ, att. Paxus Caltus, email: