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Wind Campaign for Ukraine
By Gunnar Boye Olesen, INFORSE-Europe, OVE, Denmark
based on work of Andrei Konechenkov, Future Age Energy, (FAE) Ukraine.
Integrating Global Goals with National Realities
In Ukraine a national wind campaign was launched in the end of 1999. It is part of the global INFORSE effort to have “10% of the world’s electricity supply produced by wind power”.
The first step of the Ukrainian wind campaign was to compare goals of the global campaign with the windpower potentials in Ukraine and the status for wind power development in Ukraine. This was done in a study entitled, “Wind power for Ukraine, - a proposal for the coming 20 years”, by Andrei Konechenkov and his colleagues from Future Age Energy (FAE), in cooperation with Prof. Boris Korobko, State Scientific and Research Institute for Non-traditional Energetics and Electrical Engineering. They found that an appropriate Ukrainian goal for 2020 would be the installation of 16,000 MW of windpower, which could produce around 32 TWh/year of electricity. This would represent 18% of Ukraine’s current electricity production, or about 11% of officially forecasted electricity production in 2020.
There is ample space in which wind power is proposed to install: land area in Ukraine with favourable wind conditions is estimated to be large enough for installation of 8,000-24,000 MW of wind turbines. In addition to that, shallow sea areas around Ukraine give space for installation of more than ten times as much capacity.
Slow Installation Rate
The official goal of installing 1990 MW of windpower capacity until 2010 is compatible with the proposed goal of installing 16,000 MW until 2020. FAE found, however, that the current rate of installation is far short of that needed to reach the official goal. At the current rate, maybe only 1/5 of the goal will be realised by 2010. This is not because of lack of capacity to produce windturbines: existing Ukrainian companies could produce at least 1000 MW of windturbines annually. The slow development can be explained by the low priority in Ukraine of wind power compared with other energy sources (e.g., nuclear power) combined with the economical crises.
Campaign Proposals
To put Ukrainian wind development back on track to reach its 2010 goal, and to pave the way for the proposed 2020 goal, FAE proposed in the study to:
• give support on the local level. Currently, local authorities are actively providing this kind of support in some regions.
• assist in developing the market infrastructure. It is first necessary to ensure the stability of prices and to ensure access to the general electric power grid.
• abolish the budget allocations for destructive/dangerous types of energy production.
• include the environmental costs in the cost of the energy.
• support the researchers, the development, the industry, and the dissemination of windpower.
NGOs Agree on Joint Appeal
Following the development of the study, FAE asked NGOs and political parties to join in supporting a common statement in favour of the proposed windpower development. 10 major NGOs and two political parties joined an appeal to the president and government of Ukraine, asking them:
• to review as quickly as possible the development-strategy concept of the Ukrainian fuel and energy complex, and
• to design and implement top-priority measures for intensive windpower development that will achieve by 2020 10% coverage by windpower of the electricity production of Ukraine.
Campaign Entered the Media
With the study and with this joint appeal, the campaign was ready for a public presentation. This happened on October 19, 1999 at the Energy Saving & Energy Management Institute of the Technical University of Ukraine. Of the 24 participants, 10 represented the media. News of the campaign was reported by 6 radio stations, 3 news agencies, at least 2 daily newspapers, and some magazines.
...and the Future
The future plans of the campaign are to make the current report more widely available, to use the material as an input for a parliamentary discussion of the present energy programme, and to start a large-scale information campaign to create the public awareness necessary for the proposed development. Proposed measures for the information campaign include a series of seminars and workshops as well as a special newsletter for distribution through NGOs. Parallel to this campaign in Ukraine, a national wind campaign for Russia as well as regional wind campaigns for Western Europe and for Cono Sur in Latin America are under preparation. Reports from these campaigns will follow in future issues of Sustainable Energy News.
More information: Future Age Energy,
PO Box 56, 253192 Kiev, Ukraine.
Ph: +380-44 2743017, fax: +380-442417038, e-mail:
INFORSE-Europe web-page: