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By Gunnar Boye Olesen, INFORSE-Europe Coordinator, OVE, Denmark
INFORSE-Europe Action Plan 2000
During the INFORSE-Europe e-mail meeting in November, 1999, elements of an Action Plan were developed. The new Action Plan for 2000 includes:
• the DIERET project (see right);
• Energy Planning Models for NGOs, including information exchange;
• INFORSE-Europe meeting;
• develop a project “Towards Sustainable Energy in Balkan Region”;
• lobby for Pan-European activities for sustainable energy;
• lobby the activities of multilateral development banks in cooperation with CEE Bankwatch Network;
• lobby for a better EU energy policy, starting with an assessment of the members’ activities and interests in the field;
• participate in the global campaign for “10% wind” worldwide.
The INFORSE-Europe Action plan will be sent to the members by e-mail or mail. It also will be available at the INFORSE-Europe website (see below).
Internet Education for Members: DIERET
As the result of South-SouthNorth cooperation, INFORSE-Europe is ready to launch its Distant Internet Education on Renewable Energy Technology (DIERET).
This is an opportunity for member organisations and for their individual members to update their knowledge on the recent status of renewables and their utilisation in the world. The course will also help NGO members to be able to use reliable arguments in campaigns and lobbying for sustainable energy development as well as in advising people on how to use renewables.
The study course will run in electronic form without any paper except that on which the certificate will be issued by INFORSE Secretariat to graduates of the course. There are 5 modules, which have been prepared by INFORSE coordinators Emil Bedi and Raymond Myles: Solar Energy, Biomass, Wind Power, Hydro Power, and the introduction.
INFORSE-Europe is asking member organisations to encourage their membership to take the DIERET course, which will be offered for free!
INFORSE-Europe Website
An overview of INFORSE-Europe’s activities and information on sustainable energy for local planning is now available at the INFORSE-Europe website, hosted by OVE - The Danish Organisation for Renewable Energy: .