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Huge Step for Islands
By Thomas Lynge Jensen, Global Island Secretariat, Denmark
Global Secretariat for Renewable Energy Islands
The Forum for Energy and Development (FED), a Danish NGO umbrella organisation, has now established a secretariat for renewable energy islands.
This major step was based on the recommendations of the “First Global Conference on Renewable Energy Islands” in September 1999 on Ærø Island in Denmark. The delegates from 22 organisations and 34 islands of the world called for a forum for the renewable energy issues of the islands. The need to develop the renewable-energy sector of island-state economies was also in line with the Program of Action agreed upon in Barbados by the 1994 “Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (SIDS)”.
Towards the 2nd Global Island Conference
A draft Action Plan is under preparation by the Secretariat. The draft is expected to be approved at the “Second Global Conference on Renewable Energy Islands”, which is scheduled for the end of this year or for early 2001, at American Samoa.
The Action Plan focuses on 3 main areas:
• Information
The Secretariat will distribute information on renewable energy developments on islands via the webpage of SIDS ( and via other relevant media. Best practises and guidelines for available technologies will be identified. Lists of experts and consultants on the development of renewable energy on islands will be compiled.
• Demonstration
Demonstration programmes for selected island states will be prepared for discussion at two workshops, one in the Caribbean and one in the Pacific.
• Funding
Possible funding mechanisms will be investigated especially for renewable energy on island states.
The First Global Conference was arranged by the Forum for Energy and Development (FED). It was funded by the European Commission, the Danish Government, the Danish Council for Sustainable Energy, and FED.