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The Global Agenda: NGO Push Needed
By Michael Kvetny, INFORSE Secretariat
INFORSE coordinators decided on their meeting in October, 1999 to keep an eye on the global process towards sustainable energy. This global process have started with preparations for the 9th Session of the Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD9) in 2001. Among the preparations are:
• The World Energy Council and the UNDP have launched a World Energy Assessment (WEA);
• The European Union is preparing a strategy paper.
Both papers will be presented at the preparatory meeting towards CSD9 - ad-hoc energy-expert meeting - in March, 2000, in New York.
INFORSE coordinators further decided on their meeting to advocate firm decisions at the global level to secure substantial output from this huge diplomatic exercise.
The papers prepared by the European Union and the World Energy Council reflect the necessity to change direction towards sustainable use of energy.
However, experience shows that very little has been done so far at the global level. The barriers to penetration of renewable energy are very high.
Therefore, NGOs must pay attention to the CSD9 process and push their governments to change direction.
The CSD9 process will focus on important issues like creating a framework for an efficient market for renewable energy, raising awareness, building capacity, and establishing new funding mechanisms designed for renewable energy.
All of these are issues in which NGOs have an important role to play.
INFORSE strongly support:
• The “Wind Force 10” campaign (10% of the world’s electricity to be derived from wind energy by 2020) should be followed by efficient measures to implement the policy.
• Development banks should create new funding mechanisms to meet the demands of minor decentralised renewable-energy schemes.
• A major pilot program for “renewable-energy islands” to demonstrate renewable-energy technologies as a relevant and realistic option.
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