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Key Actors Lack Knowledge
Financing Sustainable Development in the Climate Change Era.
By Timothy Byakola, Climate and Development Initiatives (CDI), Uganda.
A national INFORSE meeting raised awareness of opportunities of the Clean Development Mechanism.
Only through international cooperation will the threat of global climate change be effectively tackled. To facilitate this much desired North-South cooperation in the climate change regime, a Clean Development Mechanism has been suggested.
The CDM, as it has come to be known, is viewed as offering flexibility and the opportunity for sponsoring climate-change-mitigating initiatives in developing countries while at the same time reducing greenhouse-gas emissions. The CDM is a means for the promotion of sustainable development in many developing country nations.
Lack of Knowledge
But despite widespread publicity, there remains significant lack of knowledge about the CDM concept and its possibilities for developing countries, particularly within Africa. Participation in the CDM negotiations is limited to a few government officials and NGOs. The situation is worse in regard to the participation of the private sector, who are considered key actors in the UNFCCC process.
Calling for Capacity Building
It is in this recognition that a national CDM workshop was organized in Kampala, Uganda in February 2000.
The workshop was convened to increase public awareness of the CDM and to develop strategies for increased participation of key players from Government, NGO, media, the donor community, and the private sector in CDM activities.
The 37 participants were drawn from Government, the private sector, media, and NGOs from Uganda, Kenya, and Zimbabwe.
To address national capacity-building needs, participants noted that multi-funding institutions should assist developing countries in funding CDM awareness activities and specific projects designed to build capacity in relevant key institutions.
Participants also highlighted the need for developing national institutional frameworks that will facilitate coordination of available national capacity to implement the CDM.
Participants identified potential CDM projects. Some of the identified projects involve the effective and sustainable use of high-potential solar and wind-energy resources. During the workshop, it was recognized that Uganda possesses huge potential for mini-hydro and solar energy development.
The workshop was an initiative of an Ugandan INFORSE member, Climate and Development Initiatives, and funded by Forum for Energy and Development (FED)-Denmark through the framework of the INFORSE.
Climate and Development Initiatives is a national NGO established in 1996 in Uganda to influence policy issues on climate change, desertification, biodiversity loss and global pollution from an African perspective.
In achieving the above, CDI benefits from working within networks like:
• International Network for Sustainable Energy (INFORSE)
• International NGO Network on Desertification (RIOD),
• Climate Action Network (CAN),
• International Persistent Organic Elimination Network (IPEN).
Timothy Byakola,
Program Coordinator at CDI for 4 years. Born in 1970.
Graduated as B.Sc. Forestry (Makerere University), Postgraduate training in Plant Genetic Resources Conservation and Management (DSE-Germany and Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute).
Timothy is also secretary to the National NGO Coordinating committee on Desertification (NCCD), a committee coordinating activities of Ugandan NGOs implementing the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (CCD).The NCCD is implementing the Ugandan component of the Regional Combat Desertification and Mobilisation Programme (CDMP) is a programme coordinated by ECONEWS Africa.
More information:
- Timothy Byakola, Climate and Development Initiatives
P.O.Box. 8849 Kampala, Uganda.
Ph: +256-41-347762, fax: 256-41-234248, e-mail:
- INFORSE South-South-North Cooperation Fund
Ulrik Jacobsen, INFORSE/FED, Blegdamsvej 4B, 1st Floor, 2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark.
Ph: + 45-35 247711, fax: + 45-3524 7717, e-mail: