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Wind Campaign
The goal of 10% wind energy in the global electricity mix will now be supplemented with regional goals and action proposals. With support from Forum for Energy and Development, the INFORSE regions in Europe and Latin America will regionalise the global goal, propose actions to realise the goals in the regions, and make an overview of effects for environment, economy, and employment. This will result in regional reports and statements that NGOs in the regions will be invited to support. The results will be presented in October in Buenos Aires, Brussels, Murmansk, Moscow, and Kiev.
In Western Europe, the main aim of the work will be to make a proposal for how the goal can be realised in the EU internal market for electricity. In Eastern Europe, the focus will be on how to realise the goal in Russia and Ukraine, which both have very large potentials for wind energy. In Latin America, the work will cover the Cono Sur region with its large wind-power potential and its emerging internal electricity market within the framework of the Mercosur free trade agreement.
The regional campaigns will be developed by INFORSE-Europe with OVE, Danish Organisation for Renewable Energy; Gaia Apatity Center, Kola, Russia; and Future Age Energy, Ukraine; and INFORSE Latin America with REJIMA, Argentina.
Information: INFORSE-Europe and INFORSE - Latin America (see at the back page)