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WEA - World Energy Assessment and INFORSE
By Gunnar B. Olesen, INFORSE
INFORSE will use the opportunities to comment on the WEA - World Energy Assessment. This July, the first draft was reviewed by Raymond Myles and by the INFORSE Secretariat. In the comment from the INFORSE Secretariat, the first draft of the WEA is criticised for a number of reasons, e.g., because it does not address the problems of nuclear power adequately.
While the first period for commenting was too short to
involve more INFORSE member organisations, interested members are encouraged to take part in the continuing pro-cess to develop the WEA. Consultations with NGOs are being planned by the WEA Secretariat, and it welcomes information on events that could serve as a framework for this. The next meeting of the WEA Advisory Panel is planned for January, 2000.
The comments from INFORSE are available on request from the Secretariat, e-mail:
Information on the WEA is also available from:
Energy and Atmosphere Programme, UNDP
att. Caitlin Allen-Sanchez, Program Manager, One United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017, USA. Ph: +1-212-906-6068, fax: +1-212-906-5148,