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Global Leadership in Sustainable Energy
By Hans Bjerregaard, Chairman of the board of FED
There is strong need for leadership in sustainable energy - a need for “Global Leadership”. Time is passing without the necessary steps being taken for large-scale implementation of renewable energy and energy conservation on a global scale involving developed and developing countries.

It is our task from the sustainable-energy communities to motivate climate-progressive governments to establish this global leadership: to establish “The Global Coalition for Sustainable Energy”.

Experience in Denmark indicates that, by creating a strong and positive dynamic for renewable energy and for energy conservation, you can overcome the often negative and defensive discussion of climate protection. We know all too well how the climate protection decisions in the UN Climate Convention context are blocked by the much-too-strong fossil-fuel and nuclear-energy lobbies. We shall not let these conservative forces stop us, but rather, we shall create our positive momentum for sustainable energy solutions.

The “schedule” of the global leadership-initiative could include elements such as:

- Establishing the first group of “Global Leadership” nations in 1999. Gradually, the leadership group will be expanded to include still more nations in “The Global Coalition for Sustainable Energy”.
- In 1999, a group of nations creates a task force to implement the goal of deriving 10% of the world’s electricity consumption from wind energy.

- In year 2000, the large scale “Solar Energy to the People Programme” is to be launched, with the goal of making PV the lowest-cost, most effective energy source within 10 years. This will be the new “man to the moon programme”. A group of nations, multinationals, science institutions, and others will set up the task force to do the job.

- At CSD9 in 2001, The Global Coalition will launch their “Solar Energy to the World Programme” with the goal of covering 1% more every year of the world’s energy consumption with renewables - involving large-scale implementation schemes in the context of the World Bank, UNDP, and GEF, as well as establishing global resource centres for wind energy, solar energy, biomass energy, end-user energy-efficiency, etc.

The list could be supplemented with a number of other relevant activities.

The Forum for Energy and Development (FED) will now take steps to raise the question of “Global Leadership” to the Danish Government, administration, and parliament to motivate the Danish government to be involved in creating a new Global Leadership on Sustainable Energy.
Secondly, the FED will raise the question of Global Leadership in relation to other NGOs on the international scene, including the INFORSE members.

If you have ideas and points of view on this issue, don’t hesitate to contact me and the FED-Secretariat with your comments. We need all good input.
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ISSUE #26 (855KB) 18 pages (1999-08-01)
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