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Publication: Local Solutions Proposed for Climate Action & Development and Policies
PUBLICATION: Local Solutions Proposed for Climate Action & Development and Policies - 2023
Local Solutions Proposed for Climate Action & Development and Policies to Promote & Scale-up Local Sustainable Energy Solutions
The Publication is a result of over a year’s work by the INFORSE’s coordinators to identify the most important local sustainable solutions for energy access and climate action. We have focus on small-scale solutions that can are manageable by local communities and that give development. Not all solutions are relevant for all, but we focus on a broad range of solutions, primarily for people that need better energy access and development. We focus on not only electricity, but also on cooking and local transport.
The main solutions we propose are:
- High-efficiency improved cookstoves.
- Biogas, household scale.
- Efficient charcoal making.
- Briquettes from biomass/agri-waste, charcoal dust.
- Solar home systems.
- Mini-grids, to provide electricity for all purposes.
- Increasing the efficiency of light.
- Electric two-wheelers, and three-wheelers.
- Solar dryers.
The Publication is available in English, Spanish, Portugues and French.
Read more on the project, and download the publication from:
File: PUB_Local_Sustaina...ORSE_Synergies.pdf