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Baseline Studies: EASE-CA East Africa Sustainable Energy & Climate. Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda (2019)
Baseline Studies on sustainable energy and other climate solutions: Document current status; Identify opportunities for advocacy and lobbying; Map out CSOs and SMEs. The studies are primarily based on literature reviews.
This assessments were conducted for the purposes of mapping out existing climate actions and strategies in East Africa and institutions in order to identify channels through which the EASE-CA project team can intervene and influence policy processes in pursuance of a pro-poor focus.
The Publications are part of a series of Baseline Studies made by the NGO cooperation Project: “East African Civil Society for Sustainable Energy & Climate Action (EASE &CA)” in 2019-22.
The assessments were conducted through desk reviews with use of existing material from the PIPA project 2017-18 and from many other sources.
The series of the EASE-CA Baseline Studies are:
- National Baseline Studies: Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania
- East Africa Regional International Baseline Study
- Local baselines for three districts in Uganda.
EASE-CA Project Partners are: UCSD and JEEP in Uganda, SusWatch Kenya, TaTEDO in Tanzania, International Network for Sustainable Energy (NFORSE) & INFORSE-East Africa, and Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy.
The EASE-CA Project is supported by CISU’s Civil Society Fund, Denmark.