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Global Sustainable Energy Islands Initiative (GSEII)
Five international NGOs have launched the Global Sustainable Energy Islands Initiative (GSEII) at COP6.
Counterpart International, Climate Institute, Winrock International, the Organization of American States, INFORSE and Forum for Energy & Development (FED) launched at COP6 in The Hauge the Global Sustainable Energy Islands Initiative (GSEII).
The GSEII is based on the premises that the Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) is evident targets for renewable energy and could be marvellous front-runners and show-cases on a national, regional and global level for renewable energy technologies
The GSEII has been organised to support the interests of all SIDS and potential donors by bringing renewable energy and energy efficiency projects, models, and concepts together in a sustainable plan for SIDS. The GSEII seeks to display national efforts to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Global Objectives:
(a) To develop SIDS as sustainable energy nations.
(b) To establish donor support and private sector investment for this sustainable development.
(c) To increase awareness of experiences, potential, and advantages of renewable energy utilisation and energy efficiency on SIDS and other island nations.
Regional and Island Nation Objectives:
The Caribbean:
(d) To develop St. Lucia into a sustainable energy nation, thereby fulfilling its commitment made at COP5.
(e) To further develop sustainable energy plans for one or more Caribbean SIDS to become sustainable energy nations.
(f) To develop regional energy efficiency and renewable energy private business activities, including solar thermal, photovoltaics, biomass, and wind turbines.
(g) To establish funding schemes for large-scale dissemination of sustainable energy.
The Pacific Region:
(h) To develop wind energy activities on Niue and one more island nation as regional door-opener projects.
(i) To develop sustainable energy plans for one or more SIDS to become sustainable energy nations.
(j) To develop regional energy efficiency and renewable energy private business activities, including solar thermal, photovoltaics, biomass, and off-gird wind turbines.
(k) To establish funding schemes for large-scale dissemination of sustainable energy.
The Indian Ocean:
(l) To develop a sustainable energy plan for one SIDS to become a sustainable energy nation.
The Forum for Energy & Development is closed down. For further information about the Initiative please contact the INFORSE Secretariat at e-mail:, or directly Søren Hermansen from Samsø Island (Denmark) at e-mail:
Below a short brochure in PDF-format about the GSEII can be downloaded, which includes detailed contact information for the five NGOs in the Consortium.
File: Final GSEII Brochure in PDF-format.pdf