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INFORSE Charter in English
The INFORSE Charter adopted August 2000.
A world where energy services, necessary for a just and human centred development, are provided in a sustainable way using renewable energy.
INFORSE is a global network of independent non-governmental organisations working for sustainable energy solutions to reduce poverty and protect the environment. Hence, INFORSE members are dedicated to achieve:
Poverty Reduction
- Equal access for all to energy services.
- Improve basis for income generation through renewable energy solutions, in particular for the poor.
- Increased efficiency and reduced pollution in utilization of traditional fuels to reduce drudgery of women.
Environmental Protection
- Reduction of pollution to environmentally sustainable levels - including the emission of greenhouse gases - through increase in efficiency of current conventional energy production, conversion, transportation, distribution and use and through enhanced use of locally available renewable energy resources.
- Total phase-out of nuclear power
INFORSE members have the following intermediate aims to fulfil the overall aims of the network:
Awareness Rising and Advocacy
- Communicate the experiences, know-how and visions of member organisations to the public and to international decision makers with the clear intention of influencing national and global energy development
- Promote greater participation among civil society organisations in the elaboration of energy strategies and policies and increase transparency in governmental and private sector energy activities
- Influence international institutions to strengthen activities to further renewable energy in sustainable development and creation of an international institution for sustainable energy
Capacity Building
- Enable politicians, government officials, NGOs, local communities and the business community to facilitate and utilise renewable energy options in particular through local solutions.
- Ensure local capacity in management, operation and control of energy services to facilitate a decentralisation of the energy sector.
Institutional Reform
- Reform the regulatory framework and market conditions to ensure a level playing field for renewable energy options.
- Integration of social and environmental costs in prices of energy services.
- Mobilise investment via innovative funding arrangements.
Research and Development
- Redirect energy-related research and development towards renewable energy technology and upgrade traditional technology, knowledge and skills.
- Enhance transfer and development of technology in development co-operation and programmes.