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Event: UN HLPF2021 INFORSE Side Event at 13 July, 2021, New York time (Virtual)
Title: Local Climate Solutions for a Sustainable & Resilient Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic in East Africa, and South Asia; Women’s Role; 100 % Renewables as driver for climate mitigation from Denmark to Kenya and Globally.
From the Program:
- Catalogue of 50+ local sustainable and climate solutions in East Africa;
- Evidence-based Eco-Village Development in South Asia based on concept with participatory planning with equal participation for all; financial tool as microcredit;
- Gender/Women’s roles with focus on India;
- 100 % renewables scenarios as part of climate neutrality strategies from Denmark to Kenya based on a Global civil society vision.
Speakers: Sohel Ahmed, Grameen Shakti, Bangladesh; Kalyani Raj, AIWC India; Judit Szoleczky & G.B. Olesen from INFORSE & SE Denmark; Mary Swai, TaTEDO Tanzania; Richard Kimbowa UCSD & JEEP Uganda; Justus Munyoki, Suswatch Kenya; Sanjiv Natan, INSEDA, India; Santosh Mandal, CRT/N Nepal; Dumindu Herath IDEA Sri Lanka.
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