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Event: UNFCCC SB48 INFORSE Side Event & Exhibition: May 1 2018
INFORSE - SUSWATCH - INSEDA - Date: May 1, 2018
Time: 16:45 - 18:15. Room: Berlin
Title: Local Actions for Poverty Reduction & Village Development in NDCs & Paris Agreement Work Programme - East Africa and South Asia
The Side Event is organised by INFORSE together with the members from East Africa, South Asia, and Europe: INSEDA & WAFD, Grameen Shakti, IDEA, CRT-N, DIB, VE/SE, TaTEDO, UCSD, SusWatch in cooperation with CAN-South Asia.
East Africa Panel:
Richard Kimbowa, UCSD, Uganda
Nobert Nyandire, SusWatch, Kenya
Jensen Shuma, TaTEDO, Tanzania
Dr. Charles Mutai, Director, Ministry of Environment & Natural Resources, Kenya
South Asia Panel:
Santosh Patnaik, CAN South Asia
Shovana Maharjan, CRT, Nepal
Gunnar Boye Olesen, INFORSE
Jagdeep Sharma, INSEDA, India
Limasangla Jamir, INSEDA, India
Dumindu Herath, IDEA, Sri Lanka
Md. Ziaul Haque, Director, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Bangladesh
Available Downloads:
Program and Proceedings:
- Presentations East Africa Panel
- Presentations South Asia Panel
Policy Briefs:
- Policy Brief - SB48 /PIPA -East Africa (2 pages,pdf):
- by Suswatch Kenya, ECSD, TaTEDO, INFORSE
Publications Launched at SB48:
- WHITE PAPER: Climate Mitigation and Adaption with Eco-Village Development (EVD) Solutions in South Asia Full Report (45 pages pdf) and Summary (4 pages, pdf).