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FULFILL Project logo
FULFILL Project - Fundamental Decarbonisation Through Sufficiency By Lifestyle Changes
2021 - 2024

The 3-year social science research project called FULFILL - "Fundamental Decarbonisation Through Sufficiency By Lifestyle Changes" has started in October, 2021. The Project is a cooperation among organisations of Fraunhofer Institute ISI (coordinator) and Wuppertal Institut in Germany, EURAC and POLIMI in Italy, negaWATT and Jacques Delors Institute in France, Green Liberty in Latvia, and INFORSE-Europe in Denmark.
The FULFILL Project's website: and Twitter:

The main objective of the Project is to study lifestyle changes as part of European decarbonisation pathways that lead to the fulfillment of the Paris Agreement goals by using the concept of sufficiency as a guiding principle.

To achieve this overarching project's aim, the FULFILL project has the following objectives:
- Characterize the concept of lifestyle change based on the current literature and extend this characterization by combining it with the sufficiency concept.
- Develop a measurable and quantifiable definition of sufficiency to make it applicable as a concept to study lifestyle changes in relation to decarbonisation strategies.
- Generate a multidisciplinary systemic research approach that integrates micro, meso, and macro level perspectives on lifestyle changes.
- Study lifestyle change mechanisms empirically through social science and humanities (SSH) research methods on the micro (individual, household) and the meso (community, municipal) level.
- Achieve an in-depth analysis of existing and potential sufficiency lifestyles, their intended and unintended consequences (incl. rebound and spillover effects), enablers and barriers (incl. existing structures) as well as impacts (incl. on health and gender) on the micro level across diverse cultural, political, and economic conditions in Europe and in comparison to India as a country with a very large population and very different lifestyles.
- Assess the dynamics of lifestyle change mechanisms towards sufficiency on the meso level by looking into current activities of municipalities, selected communities and initiatives as well as analysing their level of success and persisting limitations in contributing to decarbonisation.
- Integrate the findings from the micro and meso level into a macro, i.e. national and European, level assessment of the systemic implications of sufficiency lifestyles and explore diffusion pathways.
- Implement a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the systemic impact of sufficiency lifestyles which in addition to a contribution to decarbonisation and economic impacts includes the analysis of further intended and unintended consequences (incl. rebound and spillover effects) as well as broader societal impacts (incl. on health and gender).
- Combine the research findings with citizen science activities to develop sound and valid policy recommendations contributing to the development of promising pathways towards lifestyle change.
Activity highlights:
INFORSE European Sustainable Energy Seminar in Latvia September 2024 September 25-27, 2024 (in Latvia & partially online)
INFORSE-Europe Sustainable Energy Seminar, Talsi, Latvia together with General Meeting.

INFORSE-Europe is organizing an NGO sustainable energy seminar in cooperation with Latvian Green Movement. We focus on how civil society can push forward climate action with transition to 100% renewable energy, sufficiency/sustainable lifestyles, the best mitigation measures, and much more.
Read more: Seminar 2024 (proceedings come soon)
Register: Google form.
Download: Program (pdf)
More at Facebook
Contact: Gunnar Boye Olesen,
Final FULFILL event  in Brussels September 18 2024 September 18, 2024, 15.00-17.00
Final FULFILL Conference in Brussels
& online
Join and Read more : FULFILL Final Event
Regiser on the Registration form
Folkedybet Festival on Sustainable Lifestyle - Strandengen, Sams?, Denmark September 13-14, 2024
Folkedybet Festival on Sustainable Lifestyle - Strandengen, Samsø, Denmark

September 13, 2024, kl. 14.30 • Cirkustelt (in Danish)
Danmark og EU’s rolle i det bæredygtige liv.
Hvordan kan en bæredygtig livsstil se ud for at vi har lyst til at leve i den og hvordan kan vi med lokale initiativer bane vejen?
Præsentation af ny viden og debat med en række bæredygtigheds initiativer - reultaterne fra EU Horison Projektet FULFILL, ved Gunnar Boye Olesen, INFORSE-Europe.

Read more: Full Program: Folkedybet 2024 - Samsø Ennergiakademiet
June, 2024
Draft publication with analysis of sufficiency policies included in the National Energy & Climate Plans (NECPs) of Denmark, France, Germany, and Italy, as well as proposals for additional sufficiency policies
, June 2024, 24 pages.
Folkemèdet om grèn livstil 15 Juni 2024 VE INFORSE June 15, 2024, 13.30
Sustainable lifestyle - New climate policy in the EU and Denmark
Strandvejen's Debate Tent at Folkemèdet, Allinge, Bornholm

How do we translate the need for sustainable lifestyles into political climate solutions?
- Gunnar Boye Olesen, Policy Coordinator for RenewableEnergy, INFORSE-Europe and researcher in sustainable lifestyle policy at the EU Horizon2020 FULFILL Project.
- Marianne Bigum, Member of Parliament for SF.
- Kathrine Olldag, chairperson of the climate and environmental organization VedvarendeEnergi, political director of the industry association Cirkulær and former MF for Radikale.
- Julie Schoen, spokesperson, Den BlÕ Avis.

The event is financially supported by the Europa-Nævnet, and the EU Horizon FULFILL project.

Read more: FULFILL project and Danish events by INFORSE about the EU (in danish)
Debat Folkemodet 2024 Sustainable lifestyle - New climate policy in the EU and Denmark
Debat Folkemodet  2024 Sustainable lifestyle - New climate policy in the EU and Denmark

EUSEW Session: Less is more? An overview of sufficiency

EUSEW Session: Less is more? An overview of sufficiency

June 11-13, 2024 - EUSEW 2024, Exhibition, Brussels, Belgium
Venue: Charlemagne Building, C-14, 2. floor
INFORSE-Europe is co-organiser of an exhibition featuring the EU funded FULFILL project.

June 12, 2024 - 9:30 - 11:00.
EUSEW 2024 Policy Conference
Venue: Charlemagne Building, De Gasperi Room, 2. fl.
EUSEW Policy Conference Session: Less is more? An overview of sufficiency policies to reduce emissions and increase quality of life.
NFORSE-Europe is co-organiser of the session together with partners of the EU funded FULFILL project.

- Sufficiency, an intro by Fiona Breucker, Jacques Delors Institute, France
- How sufficient will Europeans be? Survey results. by Elisabeth Dutschke, Fraunhofer Institute, Germany
- Sufficiency on the ground, CONCERTI by Politecnico di Torino, Sergio Olivero, Italy
- Policies for sufficiency, from the FULFILL project by Association negaWatt, Yves Marignac, France
- What can sufficiency contribute? Results of an input-output model by REScoop, Matteo Giacomo Prina, Italy
- Introducing the Sufficiency Manifesto, by Association negaWatt, Yves Marignac, France
- How EU’s climate plans can include sufficiency, by INFORSE-Europe, Gunnar Boye Olesen, Denmark
-Comments, interactive parts and dialogues with Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, Member European Parliament and Frank Siebern-Thomas, Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission

More info: EUSEW Session page and EUSEW exhibition page. and Video replay

Presentation: Less is more? An overview of sufficiency policies to reduce emissions and increase quality of life (pdf 6 MB)

EUSEW Session: Less is more? An overview of sufficiency
EUSEW Session: Less is more? An overview of sufficiency
EUSEW Session: Less is more? An overview of sufficiency

UNFCCC SB60, Bonn side event on sufficiency 12 june 2024

UNFCCC logo June 8, 2024 - 11:45 - 13:00 - UNFCCC SB60, Bonn, Germany
Venue: Conference Center, Room Berlin.
Side Event: Decarbonisation through sufficiency lifestyle: How much? How to support? 100% renewables.
Organised by INFORSE in cooperation with Association negaWatt, Fraunhofer ISI and SustainableEnergy (SE).
- What is sufficiency? Better with Less! IPCCC’s SER model: Sufficiency, Efficiency, Renewables. By Yves Marignac, NegaWatt, France.
- Sufficiency in our society. Research results inEU+ India. Gender aspects within the project FULFILL. By Dr. Elisabeth Dutschke, Fraunhofer ISI, Germany.
- Input-output model, quantifying CO2 reductions of policy changes. By Wolfram Sparber, Eurac Research, Italy.
- Sufficiency policies in NDCs and the EU countries national climate and energy plans (NECPs). By Gunnar Boye Olesen, INFORSE-Europe/ SE, Denmark.

Read: Program (pdf). Presentations are available at INFORSE at SB60 and at UNFCCC SB60 Side Events

SB60 June 8 2024 Side Event: Decarbonisation through sufficiency
SB60 June 8 2024 Side Event: Decarbonisation through sufficiency
SB60 June 8 2024 Side Event: Decarbonisation through sufficiency
Side event on Sufficiency  at UNFCCC COP28 organised by INFORSE, NegaWattt, Fraunhofer ISI. ) December 2023 UNFCCC logo December 2023

Saturday, 9 December 2023, Time: 15:00-16:30, Room: SE Room 7 & ONLINE
Title: Sustainable Lifestyles, Sufficiency Supporting Just Climate Action, Stronger NDCs

Sustainable lifestyles, sufficiency, can help reducing emissions in high-emission countries with affluent lifestyles. Policies supporting these should be included in the GST and new NDCs. New European research shows the specific sufficiency actions and policies that can make the difference.
Organised by INFORSE, Association negaWatt, France; Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research - FhG ISI, Germany; Sustainable Energy, Denmark.
Read: Program (pdf).Proceeding at INFORSE at COP28 including ONLINE Link.
UNFCCC side event on lifestyle changes sufficiency June 10 2023 UNFCCC logo 10 June 2023
UNFCCC SB58 Side Event, Bonn, Germany.
Title: Sustainable lifestyles for climate action and policies for ALL

Organised by INFORSE, Fraunhofer Institute, and SE.
Download Program (pdf), and link to Proceedings.
  Citizens' Wokshop in Paris with participation from the Partner countries.
  1 June, 2023 - FULFILL Webinar in Denmark (in Danish)
Venue: Permatopia & online

- Power point presentation (pdf) (in Danish)
- Invitation to workshop (in Danish)

November, 2022: FULFILL Project Meeting, Institute of Jacques Delors, Paris, France

2 September, 2022: Workshop about sustainable initiatives and their work with local administrations, in Middelfart, Denmark.
August - October, 2022: Gathering data in all five countries.

February - March, 2022: Launch of WEB SITE of the Project:

January 2022: Launch of the Twitter of the Project:


October, 2021: Kick Off Meeting in Karlsruhe, Germany.


April 2021: First Project Meeting (Virtual)

Partners of the Project:
Coordinator: Fraunhofer Institute ISI
Contact: Elisabeth Dütschke, Sabine Preuss
Breslauer Strasse 48, 76139 Karlsruhe
Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie gGmbH
Address: Doppersberg 19,
42103 Wuppertal, Germany
EURAC - Accademia Europea di Bolzano
Address: Viale Druso 1, 39100 Bolzano, Italy.
Association negaWatt
Address: 1 Rue Marc Seguin, 26300 Alixan, France.
POLIMI - Politecnico di Milano
Address: Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano, Italy.

Notre Europe - Jacques Delors Institute
Address: 18 Rue de Londres, 75009 Paris, France.

Zala Briviba - Green Liberty
Lapu Street 17-3, 1002 Riga, Latvia.

INFORSE-Europe, International Network for Sustainable Energy
Klosterport 4F, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.
att. Gunnar Boye Olesen, Judit Szoleczky
E: ove [at], W:

Website of the FULFILL Project:
The project is funded by the Horizon2020 Program of the European Union.
Project under CORDIS: