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Eco-Village Development as Climate Solution - Proposals from South Asia
by INFORSE-South Asia, INSEDA, India, CRT Nepal, IDEA Sri Lanka, Grameen Shakti Bangladesh and CANSA. 60 pages, 2016.
Overview and Summary
1. Eco-Village Development in South Asia as Climate Solution
1.1 Context: Poverty, Development and Climate Change
1.2 Energy Challenges in South Asia
1.3 GHG Emissions from Energy & Associated Threats
1.4 Need for Low Carbon Pathway
1.5 Solution for Alternative Co-benefits Pathway: Pro-poor Eco-Village Development
1.6 Challenges to Pro-Poor Eco-Village Development
2. Eco Village Development
2.1 The Concept
2.2 The Importance
2.3 Focus on Local Organisation
2.4 The Solutions: The Renewable Energy Technologies
Cooking Devices: Household Biogas Plant, Improved Cookstoves, Portable Improved Cookstoves, Improved large scale biomass stoves for household industries. -- Electricity: Solar lights, Improved watermill. Hydraulic ram pump. Agriculture and Food Production: Organic Farming and Kitchen Gardening Organic Compost-Making Baskets, Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting: Domestic Solar Dryer, Greenhouse. - Beyond Implementation.
3. Actions Needed to Build Sustainable Villages on a Large Scale
3.1 The Roadmap for Policy Makers
3.2 Recommendations for The South Asian Region
3.3 International Recommendations
4.What Villagers Want?
4.1 India: Income Generation; Women’s Empowerment; Food Security
4.2 Bangladesh: Energy Access: Safe Energy Access
4.3 Nepal: Livelihood Training,Renewable Energy Technology for Women Empowerment
4.4 Sri Lanka: Decrease Energy Intensity and Lower Costs: Energy Efficiency and Technology Transfer;
4.5 South Asia: Efficient Cookstoves with Chimneys
5. Local Success Stories
5.1 Bangladesh: Solar Powered Clustered Houses at Kuakata Costal Area; Solar Powered Khowamuri Village in Manikganj District
5.2 India: Mukesh and his Greenhouse; Bimla and her Solar Dryer; Purnidevi’s Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting Structure
5.3 Sri Lanka: Mr. Dharmaratne’s Improved Brick Kiln; Mr. Rajapakse’s Improved Industrial Cookstove with Two Potholes
5.4 Nepal: Hydraulic Ram Pump (Hydram) to Improve Water Access; Improved Water Mill for Electrification in Sindhuli District; Other income generating opportunities generated by IWM: Light to Tailoring, Replacing the Diesel Mill
60 pages. 4th Edition, 2017. English ISBN 978-87-970130-1-4, INFORSE
Available in English, Hindi, Nepalese, Bangla, and Sinhala.
File: Pub_EVD-SouthAsia.pdf
Projects |
Project: EVD - Eco-village Development in South-Asia, 2015-18-23
Event: INFORSE at UNFCCC, SB 44 - Side Event, Bonn, May 20, 2016
Events: INFORSE at UNFCCC COP22 November 8, 11, 15, 2016, Morocco
Event: INFORSE at UNFCCC COP25 Madrid, Spain Side Event & Exhibition Dec. 2019
Event: UNCD2020 INFORSE Side Event Local Climate Solutions - 26.11.2020 (virtual)
Event: UN HLPF2020 INFORSE side event 15 July 2020 New York (virtual)
Event: UNFCCC COP26 INFORSE Side Event & Exhibition: Nov 5 2021
Event: UN DIALOGUE ON ENERGY Ministerial Thematic Forums: INFORSE Side Event, 22 June 2021 (virtual)
Event: UN HLPF2021 INFORSE Side Event at 13 July, 2021, New York time (Virtual)
Event: UNFCCC COP28 INFORSE Side Event: Local Solutions, 100RE - Dec 8 2023
Event: Webinar: Eco-Village Development in South Asia - Our Results - 18 Dec 2023
Event: UNFCCC COP29 INFORSE Exhbition and Side Event November 2024
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