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Secretariat on Renewable Energy Islands
Islands all over the world now have their own secretariat for renewable energy. Information, good examples and innovative funding are at the front seat of this vehicle for self-sufficiency in energy
The following material is dated from 2001.
The Forum for Energy and Development was closed down in June 2002.
The function of the Island Secretaiat moved to the
Forum for Renewable Energy Islands, Samsoe Island, Denmark.
See at
The Danish non-governmental organisation Forum for Energy and Development (FED) has established a Global Secretariat for Renewable Energy Islands (GSREI). The Secretariat is made on the recommendations from the Global Conference on Renewable Energy Islands that was held on the Danish Island of Aeroe the 15-16th of September 1999. The Danish Government has provided funds for the Secretariat for the period 2001-2003.
The overall purpose of the Secretariat is to strengthen international co-operation and information dissemination and facilitate programmes and projects primarily on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in regard to the utilisation of renewable energy.
Focus is on facilitation, preparation, fundraising and information. Implementation will be delegated to national, regional and international sustainable energy organisations.
The following are the general activities of the Secretariat:
Inform primarily SIDS about possibilities and potentials in regard to renewable energy technologies, organisation and financing and establish contacts between SIDS and relevant islands, the Danish Renewable Energy Islands and the Danish sustainable energy organisations.
Action Plans:
Initiate and facilitate Renewable Energy Island (REI) programmes and projects on regional and island level.
Approach bilateral, regional and multilateral donors to initiate and facilitate funding schemes for renewable energy projects and programmes primarily on SIDS.
Collect, process and disseminate information about the possibilities and potentials of renewable energy, organisational and financial issues etc. primarily on SIDS. The Secretariat will prepare articles, participate in workshops and conferences, utilise databases, mailing lists, homepages etc.
The following specific activities will among other things be implemented in the period 2001-2003.
Participate in the Global Sustainable Energy Islands Initiative (GSEII):
This Initiative will focus on identification of 100% Renewable Energy Island Nations, renewable energy resource assessments, development of sustainable energy action plans, capacity building, spreading of information, awareness raising and hardware demonstration projects. The Initiative is managed by a Consortium consisting of five non-governmental organisations; FED, Counterpart International, Climate Institute, Winrock International and the Organization of American States.
Outline for South Pacific Renewable Energy Islands Activities:
The Secretariat has made a draft outline for possible Renewable Energy Island activities in the South Pacific. Focus is primarily on windpower and subsequently to use it as a springboard for the establishment of 100% Renewable Energy Islands in the region. The outline will be elaborated in partnership with the Island Countries and relevant regional energy/environment organisations and parallel initiates will be taken to implement regional demonstration projects (see Niue-project below).
Fundraising and implementation of the South Pacific-Danish Wind Demonstration Project on Niue.
The Government of Niue, Niue Power Corporation (NPC), the Official Danish Renewable Energy Island of Samsoe, and FED are working together for the instalment 3 x 150 kW grid connected wind turbines on Niue.
Caribbean Action Plan Sustainable Energy Island Initiative:
The Secretariat has prepared a draft action plan for possible Renewable Energy Activities in the Caribbean. Focus is primarily on promoting the development of the private sector in regard to small-scale renewable energy technologies. The action plan will be elaborated in partnership with the Island Countries and relevant regional energy/environment organisations and parallel initiatives will be taken to implement regional demonstration projects.
Prepare the Second Global Conference on Renewable Energy Islands:
A follow-up conference was decided at the First Global Conference on Renewable Energy Islands in Denmark in 1999. The Governor of American Samoa has very generously offered to host the Second Conference in American Samoa in the first half of year 2002. The First Conference focused on sharing of experiences and existing organisational and financial frames. The Second Conference will focus on the action level elaboration of programmes and projects.
Prepare and fundraising for the video - Renewable Energy Islands Worldwide - Experiences and Prospects:
The video will feature four SIDS that today have major utilisation of renewable energy sources and also include features about the official Danish Renewable Energy Island of Samsoe. The target group is SIDS and it will be distributed to all SIDS world-wide in three copies: one to the utility, one to the Government and one to the national TV-station.
Renewable Energy on Small Islands:
One of the Secretariats trademarks is the global mapping of small islands with experiences with renewable energy and/or plans for future developments. The first and second edition is available for free at the homepage of Forum for Energy and Development (FED). A third edition will be prepared.
Expand and Promote the Climate Account:
FED has together with the Danish co-operative bank Merkur developed the special Climate Account, where deposits work for renewable energy on SIDS in the South Pacific. The Secretariat will work to expand and promote this model in Denmark and internationally to raise private funds for the promotion of renewable energy on SIDS.
FED has promoted renewable energy on small islands since the Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States on Barbados 1994. FED has facilitated projects, programmes, studies, conferences, reports and funding. Below in PDF-format an overview of the main activities of FED with regard to islands since 1994.
You can download several publication of the secretariat from the publication list of this web site.
The above material is dated from 2001.
The Forum for Energy and Development was closed down in June 2002.
The function of the Island Secretaiat moved to the
Forum for Renewable Energy Islands, Samsoe Island, Denmark.
See at
File: FED and Islands July 2001.doc