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COP28 Side Event: Sustainable Lifestyle Sufficiency - Dec 9 2023
Event: UNFCCC COP28 Side Event: Sustainable Lifestyle Sufficiency - Dec 9 2023
Title: Sustainable lifestyles, Sufficiency Supporting Just Climate Action, Stronger NDCs
Date: Sat. 9 December 2023, Time: 15:00-16:30 Dubai, UAE
Venue: Section B6. Room: SE Room 7, B #85 & ONLINE
Sustainable lifestyles, sufficiency, can help reducing emissions in high-emission countries with affluent lifestyles. Policies supporting these should be included in the GST and new NDCs. New European research shows the specific sufficiency actions and policies that can make the difference.
- Organisers: INFORSE, négaWatt, France; Fraunhofer ISI, Germany; SE, Denmark.
Proceedings of Pesentations:
• What is sufficiency, why is it necessary, desirable and how is it possible. Results of literature review. - by Prof. Lorenzo Pagliano, Director of End-use Efficiency Research Group, POLIMI, Italy.
• European Research in Sufficiency. Introduction to FULFILL Project. Results of surveying 9500 people. - by Dr. Vicki Duscha, Fraunhofer ISI, Germany.
• Local sufficiency initiatives driven by engaged citizens and how local authorities can help making them succeed. Result of surveying 50 initiatives. - by Judit Szoleczky, INFORSE-Europe
• How Europe can reduce GHG emissions faster with emphasis on sufficiency and demand reductions, the CLEVER scenario for EU-27. - by Yves Marginac, Association négaWatt, France.
• Sufficiency policies in NDCs and the EU countries national climate and energy plans (NECPs): what is there already and how to make sufficiency policies drive faster decarbonisation. - by Gunnar Boye Olesen, INFORSE/SE, Denmark.
• Comments by Sascha Gabizon, Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF).
FULFILL - Fundamental Decarbonisation Through Sufficiency By Lifestyle Changes - Project supported by the Horizon 2020 Program of the European Union.
More info on the Project:
Program, UNFCCC video link and Proceeding is available at: